
From Somalia.

Remember, you’re on a web site whose users mostly abhor the idea that they’re in any way responsible for their own condition.

What exactly do you think is “the problem?”

The gun homicide rate is about half what it was 20 years ago, so...

You might want to look at the state legislatures and governors and re-evaluate that.

Given that there are about 70 million gun owners in the US, it’s clear that “gun nuts” either have a significant amount of restraint, or they’re not interested in hurting anybody.

Was there a mass shooting today?

Or, in this case, a butcher knife.

Yes. Guns helped a lot in this instance, since it was a gun that killed the assailant... who didn’t have a gun, but a knife.

Hey, genius- the attacker used his car and a knife.

Well, hopefully nobody will be using this incident as an argument for gun control, since the only gun involved was the one used to shoot the attacker.

You say “9 people shot,” but that’s wildly inaccurate.

“Advocates of a ban say that relationships between a lawyer and client is inherently unequal, making any sex potentially coercive.”

I’m not sure anybody from Deadspin has the moral authority to be outraged by this.

Leftist paranoia is always fun, but in reality the vacccine was developed via a series of multinational public/private partnerships, including groups within the USA.