
This seems like classic Maher to me. He has a lot of positions that overlap with progressive positions, but he’s a free speech absolutist. That’s why he got along so well with Milo. I’m sure he’s one of those people that is deeply offended by the fact that African-American hip hop artists can use variations of n—- in

I can see where this is heading. This will be a weekend of:

Those Ariana Grande pics left me a little teary eyed....

Now playing

Did you see Samantha Bee and Al Franken mentioning each other’s descriptions of Trump yesterday? You’ll definitely enjoy it.

While everyone is Googling Jeff Koons, I’d like to express my ongoing glee at the neverending new descriptions of Trump. I want to believe there’s a big whiteboard where The Slot writers keep track of which scrotum comparisons have been used and brainstorm new ones.

I agree; we should give him some time. 25 to life to be exact.

Y’all won’t even change what you eat for breakfast, but Trump’s ego is murdering the planet. Okay then.

“Y’all won’t even change what you eat for breakfast”

I read a strange news story the other day that claims Trump and a non-profit charity basically used victimized families of immigration related crime to raise money it never used to help them. The charity founder even told them to ‘start a GoFundMe’ if they wanted help while using their presence at Trump-related

Most frustrating are all the moron Trump supporters who couldn’t tell you the first thing about the Paris Climate Agreement or how it works, besides Obama supported it, but are thrilled beyond belief by this move because it means “The US is no longer getting screwed by other countries”

No, he wants to dismantle everything that happened under Obama. Good, Bad? He wants to erase the legacy of the Obama administration.

Sadly, this never gets old.

I know by “partner” you mean “spouse” but I like to picture the law firm of Somenameoranother and Associates where the senior partners consist of a “law-talkin’ dude” and, uh, someone else.

The only food Snippy Spice is permitted is whatever he can lick off the soles of Donald’s shoes.

You can’t waive what you never had in first place.

Well obviously. I can’t think of an administration more desperately in need of ethics waivers since they are completely devoid of the former.

These assholes keep out-assholing themselves!