That's not how TMs work

1) 5+ years is still a pretty long relationship, no matter how they met

Oh no! Walmart Liberace will just have to fill it up with overstock on his Rite Aid eye shadow pallets.

Agreed. And that enormous waste of space she creates by not having any shelves in her pantry and having a separate refrigerator for each perishable good isn’t doing any good, either.

lol yes I love the plant based and plastic free shift and then being so wasteful. Ah well, maybe she’ll inspire a change in some youngsters. 

There was also this response from Jameela Jamil to Khloe Kardashian, who is back shilling for laxative drinks


You just done paid for site operation for a month with the incelwaffen hate clicks this is gonna generate.

As an old metropolitan person, I am likely to die because of a young metropolitan person on an electric scooter.

She is not an influencer, she is a scammer 

Fun story. The Iowa Straw Poll has fallen into irrelevance since Michelle Bachmann did that. Likely, the one good thing she has done her entire career in public office.

Trump and Bloomberg are from the exact same school of Northeast racist.

They didn’t know it was wrong... hmm... I guess the slaves being raped in the masters quarters didn’t scream loud enough? Jesus this is possibly the worst from pete so far, and in front of dozens of young impressionable minds. SMH

Isn’t that something a psychopath would say?

Because they wouldn’t be able to participate in the deliberate institutionalized racism that seeks to harm Black and Latino children if they taught at majority white schools.

Kind of a sidebar, but what kind of greasy legalist did she hire to write that claim? It’s like a poorly written bit of alt-right fan fiction. Thuggish goons? Teamsters and Longshoremen? Someone should have been on that with a red pen like a fat kid on a smarty.

I thought it was the case, but I had it wrong and you were correct. Inconsistent application of policy is not in of itself a problem, but like you stated, you can’t use it to arbitrarily provide cover for ulterior motives (i.e. firing unionizers).

Wow, that’s a wall of nonsense, including some advocacy for clearly illegal acts!

That’s not precisely true. An employer cannot discriminate in communications between co-workers. So, for example, if your employer allows you to use your work email to email your coworkers about the week’s football games, they cannot restrict you from discussing unionizing using the email system. Similarly, if other

As a currently unemployed game dev I would like to say to you F off.

Why does anyone work a job they don't like? Because they have to to pay rent and eat