It is bonkers that the previous design went so far into production that they went public with a trailer without anybody pulling the plug on it.
It is bonkers that the previous design went so far into production that they went public with a trailer without anybody pulling the plug on it.
When you see the old and new next to each other is when you realize how bad the first one was.
This is just another reason why the US needs nationalized, single payer, healthcare. Churches shouldn’t be running hostpitals unless those hospitals are regulated the same as any other hospital and have to offer all of the same services, regardless of religious beliefes, to all patients. This is pure bullshit.
Bruh... My supervillain name is Professor Obvioso.
Can’t fail the Bechdel test if you don’t have women.
Fuck of with this “regret isn’t sexual assault” nonsense. You obviously didn’t read the article which clearly laid out a culture of coercing women into bad situations under threat of losing their jobs and being blacklisted if they complained.
Fuck. You. People who are intoxicated are legally and ethically UNABLE TO CONSENT. That makes it rape, bro. Go be sad no one wants your boner somewhere else.
Et tu, Jeff?
When your defense of Woody Allen is the same as Scarlett Johanson’s, one needs to examine how intelligent you think yourself to be. Why, oh why, are they going out of their way for Woody Allen? He makes, a movie every two years at most? And they aren’t that good? Do you really need to get a leg up to play “Woody Allen…
It sure as shit will never be ethics or morals.
Some Pig. Terrific. Radiant. Humble.
I feel like it’s appropriate to threadjack here and talk about how G/O has gone from “WE ARE DELETING EVERYTHING BUT THE MAIN PAGE ARTICLES AND COMMENTS FROM KINJA KTHXBYE” to “Okay never mind” in the space of, like, 3 hours?
Never give a hard time to anyone about something that isn’t their fault, and when it is their fault, go ahead and keep things in perspective and still treat them like a human. Zero% of all this is the fault of anyone you can actually talk to at a Popeye’s location, so go ahead and take a few deep breaths.
I wonder if those servers ever worked at Founders Brewing.
Do they have Herbs on those wings?
Think of all the saliva this man has unknowingly consumed.
🌿 Jim Spanfeller’s 🌿 months-long campaign of sabotage against the kinjaverse, his constant attempts to bully staff, his constant and concerted union-busting efforts, the murder of Splinter News (ahead of election) the woodchippering of Deadspin (on the eve of the World Series finale) - his henious actions have not…
I think he comes off as an extremely well-spoken, decent, and diligent guy but that’s just my personal take. One thing I *have* noticed in the last couple of interviews I’ve seen him in—namely with Colbert and Maher—is the tendency of the hosts to deflect by dropping the whole Frank Sinatra parentage rumor into the…
Jim Spanfeller is a herb.
That’s...exactly what Medicare for all does? I mean what?