That's not how TMs work

Waze adjusts for this, though. Once a feature (cops, debris, etc.) gets reported enough to get put onto the map, other drivers can acknowledge it or mark it as “not there”.  After enough of those, the object is removed from the map.

Because she probably is...pretty sure she’s racked up a couple DWIs.

Yup. That’d be General Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff

Are you serious? Routes change all the time, dude, and guess why that might be? They’re based on projections made from current use. What are people supposed to do instead? Buy a ticket but tell the airline, “I’m only buying this ticket because it is available. You should not offer this route, even though I am showing

The world doesn’t work that way is not an argument!

I don’t think this is really the argument you’re intending to make. You’re saying some companies will fail if they can’t figure out how to turn a profit and keep people closer to the locations to which they might need to travel? Sounds like market forces working appropriately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You example is not at all analogous, but good try!

It’s clear that those weirdos can’t think of anything but sex when they think of gay people. Getting penetrated as a man makes you less of a man—because that’s what women do—i.e., male homosexuality = femininity. You can easily see this simple thinking in dumbass questions like, “Which one of you is the man, and which

I have friends with teenage kids who are always complaining about how their kiss don’t want to take pictures anymore.

Bigotry is not a valid opinion, bruh.  Let’s stay on topic.

Ugh, I hate being this cynical, but I like being right.

It’s a typical drug of choice for gay men in a certain scene.

Lolwut? Getting “Affirmative Action’d” (jeez, wtf) out of a job is not the other side of racial discrimination in hiring, you putz. It’s at best akin to cronyism.

Not to compare one thing to another, but people can have experiences which gives them insight.if not actual experience in racism, poverty , crime, whatever.

Yeah, gotcha. Broke is much more of a (potentially) temporary state to me, like your fiance. For me, the things you mention merit a much stronger term—working poor, maybe.

Ha! I love it. Your highly considered, if late, opinion is welcome here!

I have a similar relationship with music, but that song was everywhere. Clubs and bars, obviously, but also departments stores, coffee shops, freakin’ dental offices, and it’s been spoofed ad nauseam!  I’m honestly shocked.

LOOOL, wut? Where do you live and what do you do (activities, not occupation) that you’ve NEVER heard Single Ladies? That’s incredible.

He can be right about what he said and wrong about what he did, which is exactly how I feel about the situation. Doing what he did was inherently wrong, but what he said about Beyonce having deserved the award (and, especially, in the context of interrupting who he did), was 100% right. What he did was wrong, but I’m