
His readings are amazing. David Sedaris is absolutely hilarious. When he signed my book, he was eating as well (Pei Wei? PF Changs?)... and we were chatting as he signed my book. I made him laugh, and he spit out a grain of rice onto the page of my book, and wiped it away. I pointed out that he literally had just spit

As a resident of this state... I can assure you... it will probably never happen again.

Also a fellow Oklahoman. And yeah... wow.

Does anyone else think that Caitriona and Ivanka look alike? Anybody else see that? Just me?

I’m at work and can’t call, but I definitely emailed them. I love Fresh Air, and I listen to NPR all the time. They can and should do better.

Sounds about right. I will say that OKC is fabulous. I love the city. I work in a suburb of OKC (Norman for those familiar with the area), and it’s a great town. I don’t tend to venture too far away from the OKC area because... there’s nothing out there. Tulsa isn’t bad. I’ll go there for a concert on occasion, but

It is not just you. I live in Oklahoma, and it’s just... too much.

It’s also worth noting here that in 2016, Oklahoma voters approved a measure to make drug possession a misdemeanor. The measure passed with nearly 60% of the population approving it. Shortey proposed his own bill in 2017 to make some drug possession a felony because “Oklahomans didn’t know what they were voting

Haha I did have some guests that demanded I keep the gifts. So that’s a small consolation prize. And I hear you... the idea of planning a wedding is exhausting. If I ever get married... no big wedding. I did the whole planning thing once and didn’t even get to have the damn party! Granted, that was completely my

I understand completely. I wound up calling my wedding off as well. I sent back all shower gifts (with an additional thank you note). I offered to pay my bridesmaids for their dresses, but they all flatly refused. The last thing I wanted to be during the entire process was a bridezilla. My catchphrase during planning

This looks like you could have pulled those from my mother’s Facebook. Oddly enough, she’s stopped posting Trump stuff since the inauguration. So that’s nice, I suppose.

Yeah, Texas’s government is awful as well. I’m from Texas and live in OKC now. It’s just all bad. All of it.

Probably in Josh Duggar’s Ashley Madison profile somewhere...

Yes, and now with Scott Pruitt in the cabinet... now we can have nation-wide earthquakes. Earthquakes for all.


Norman is a great town. I work in Norman. Living in Oklahoma as a whole, though... it’s awful. Every time there’s another awful news event like this one (so... weekly), I just want to move. A lot of the people here are wonderful, and OKC is a fabulous town with great culture and quality of life... but our state

And as a resident of this state, I can tell you they are tighetening that Bible Belt around our necks.

I’m not sure if anyone downthread has commented on the other political news coming from my blessed state... but this happened:

You are correct. I live in Oklahoma, and I used to work for our state government. Where we would start meetings with a prayer. No, I’m not kidding. This state is HORRIFFIC.

I’ll share a picture of my very good boy. This is Gary. He loves all dogs, especailly fellow Bostons. I bet Gary and Lennu would be buds.