Wonder where all his past extended vehicles have gone. He’s done this a number of times.
Wonder where all his past extended vehicles have gone. He’s done this a number of times.
What a bunch of fucking Weirdos they are.
I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your comment.
What makes you think there will be profits? IF they ever end up in the black from it, a simple few executive bonuses can cut that down to nothing really quick.
Fuck em. Tear it down. Let the skyline evolve and rejuvenate the riverside area.
Development and installation of brand new infrastructure isn’t going to be cheap and 2.4 billion in the grand scheme isnt much for the US Government, but I hope they figure out how to get those numbers down.
Jesus... take a better approach, somehow!
Is that 30 sites with 130 ports apiece? Or 130 ports across 30 sites? The first is progress, the second is extremely depressing.
Boy, do I sure not understand these. Sounds like a ton of future e-waste.
The only response needed, honestly.
Wait until the poors find out who Republicans truly hate the most.
I think so, yeah. When I’ve driven EVs I’ve set the regen to the absolute lowest to minimize that jerkiness. I’m not trying to hypermile my kids to school.
My god they are so atrocious.
I had a 2024 Taos for a rental a few months ago while my car was in the shop. I was relatively blown away at everything you could get from a car that was selling for 24k. If you needed a new car and had a budget, seems youd be hard pressed to get a better deal than that.
Its probably a combination of things. One, you are used to feeling that gear change when the vehicle accelerates and after decades of conditioning, that is now gone. Two is possibly the smoothness thats more like gliding. Three is maybe the regenerative braking that in some settings can be quite harsh. Its all a…
Not only cool with it but fucking ecstatic about it. Its all going to be a disaster.
Theyre here in California too. Temecula has had them. I had noticed strange drone type stuff in the skies when watching the SpaceX launches but thought they were people taking photos.
Hey! Me too! Double vouch!
Guessing it was rage.
And I wouldnt have seen that guy either.