
Does a drop in rates have any effect on leases?  I’ve never leased, but thats my intention if I need a new car in the next year or two and want to bridge a current EV with some of the newer tech a few years away.

Not until he needs another election though.

Nah.  Fuck em.  Go after the manufacturers, the installers, and the customers.  

It would be hilarious if the Right started driving EVs to own the Left.  Man, I would feel so owned!

Figuring out how to do it would be so hugely worth it.  Just like how every single dollar invested in the IRS to shake down tax evasion has an ROI of 8$.  I pay my damn taxes, get on it with the rich!

When did Tesla ever do well with Republicans?  Elon himself has traction with the Right, but Tesla, never.

I have always been a huge supporter of taxing the absolute shit out of the rich.  No one on earth deserves the money the top 1% has, and taxing them will not even affect their day to day lives.

With the current Supreme Court, yes that will take decades to make less extreme, unless they stack it, which they should.

When grandpa finally gets to bed, please also fluff his pillow and snuff him out?

On one hand, I want him to suffer.  Hard.  On the other, I just want him gone.  He’s a fucking disaster whose work will already take decades to recover from.  I cannot imagine the damage he would do with even one more day in power.

That is a dated statement. They can absolutely access nearly all their “on paper” money these days.  You alluded to it with the loans, but there are other ways for them to have access to almost all of it while paying none of the taxes.

It doesnt matter if he has a lot of money, this is one of the quickest ways to not have that lots of monies.  Unless he hurls a ton of cash at this, its going to be a snowball rolling down Everest.

Pretty good looking vehicle, honestly.  Looks very functional.

Agreed.  Seems like foolish oversight to not have physical, mechanical access in the event of an emergency or malfunction.

Even on a cold day, if I cannot immediately access my child, its a rock through a window.  I cant imagine this womans horror.

The owner “didnt bother”?  Maybe had more pressing issues happening for the next hour?

No kidding.  Seems like a no brainer to equip fire departments around the country with these.

Thats great to hear that they followed through on your claims.  My biggest fear with insurance is paying out the nose and still having to fight to get what is owed to me.

I used to call every 6 months to see if I could negotiate a cheaper rate, but Geico was still always cheapest and they have never jacked up my rates (knock on wood).  I also have a bunch of vehicles that I need insurance for, so changing will be an enormous PITA.