
It’s gonna mean literally jack shit on car loans unless you got some super high interest rate loan.

Same here.

I completely agree with not buying knock off/generic NACS adapters. At the same time, this is not something GM should be trying to make money on. ~250 (let’s not forget sales tax) seems to me like a lot of money for what is a glorified plug converter with some $5 chip in it, no?

I’ve been car shopping and looking at leases to dip my toes in the EV market. A lowering of interest rates and a corresponding drop in lease prices will help me get off the pot.

Some would say thats still too much Florida. 

Don’t you be coming in here and try to talk sense on the internet!

I hear Moldstar Gotors is available.

It’ll just re-open under a slightly different name two days later.

Fun fact for the fine folks of Michigan- as sea levels rise and climates warm, get ready for a bunch of rich folks to move to your most picturesque spots, jack up the prices and price you right out of your home and then call you unamerican for daring to be poor in their presence.


Stop. Just do yourself a favor... stop.

Might as well have been named “Earl’s Trustworthy Used Auto Sales”.

how some of our legacy products could be used in an unintended manner.

I say no emissions regulations for vehicles”

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

Ironically the GOP is forcing the US to cede these industries to China because they keep taking money from the oil and gas industry to hold them back. Had the US embraced these industries and renewables decades ago like we should have, the US would be the world leader in them.

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

And no one is even trying to assassinate Musk 🤔”

Nothing anyone on this site could ever say or do will convince me that the Buick Envista is a real car.

What a world where a Porsche is the better off-roader than a Hummer.