
Damn, for a 12+ hr drive I would certainly fly, but if you really want to drive and not deal with charging (I wouldnt either), you can always rent a car for the trip and not put the miles on your car.

My parents have the Ioniq5 and they love it.  I enjoy it too.

Thats true, but I think what Poly is saying, and what I agree with, is that they will make it much worse.

My cars are both functioning wonderfully, but when I make the move to an EV, I would never go back to an ICE vehicle either.  I cannot wait to kiss gasoline goodbye, (except for the 71 Chevelle I also have...)

Can I buy it on my Prime card and get 5% cash back?

The CEO was scheduled to present, so that part was at least known.  But the hotel he was staying at, security detail, exact schedule prior to arriving at the conference is all information that would have been very difficult to obtain without being suspicious.

Its cold out.  Not a single person would have looked suspicious leaving a mask and hood up, and he all the sudden drops it all at a McDonalds?  All of the tough parts were over.  I have a very hard time believing the capture.

100%.  None of it makes any sense when you get past the surface.  I think the only thing that wasnt planned was the reaction from the public.

This guy planned out every step, seemingly meticulously, then gunned down a well known CEO in the most surveilled city in the country, escaped in a way that left bullets with a message and a backpack full of Monopoly money, got out of the city successfully, but was found off a tip from a *McDonalds employee* and he

Red light cameras are absolutely a cash grab, but not even for the city/state that uses them.  They make a fortune for the company that leases them out.

I’ve got pretty good experience driving through every state west of the Mississippi and half of the ones east.  Driving through Missouri is easily my least favorite state to drive through/in.

Stanford is also where Brock Turner went to school.  The rapist Brock Turner.

And yet they all sell quite well, I see them all everywhere, and I’m sure this will sell well.  Aztek was ahead of its time, which is kind of saying something.

I’m getting Toyota Century vibes from the exterior design.  I’m not sure why, but that was the first thing in my brain.

The bulk of his base will never have any idea of Republican behavior since its never, ever reported on Right leaning news networks.

Explain?  These things are quite fun, quick, and efficient.

I personally loved these things so much.  You could really scoot around town efficiently with these.  I dont know about 200 for a used one but honestly its whatever at that price.  Enjoy it!

I sure as shit wouldnt check it.

The war that will be fought over which one to use will be bloody.

Same.  I really want this to happen.