
What.. no hot nickel?

I've done my share of theming, and it almost always comes down to being different for different's sake. I rarely ever like it better than stock (not necessarily because it looks worse, but it's never as polished...apps don't match, system UI doesn't match, animations become out of place, etc), I always go back, and I

Really cool, but he needs to create a pocket sized version as well.

F**** you Gizmodo for asking, like you don't know.

Look out our windshield.
Now at the billboard.
Now back to the windshield.
Now to the billboard.
Now to the plane.
Now your windshield is diamonds... because it's shattered.

they need to be - Companion CubeSats

In those days, there were two very important truths:

Sounds great until you realize the LA river is about 1 foot deep and most of it is hobo urine.

"bike lanes should be created and public transportation improved. That would dramatically reduce the amount of vehicles that are used daily."


So E.T. for Atari was a virus? That explains a lot.

It's not about fatigue when holding it. It's about that shameful moment when you're lying in bed with the device suspended above you when you momentarily drift off allowing the device to crash into your face. We're talking about minimizing damage caused by our sedentary lifestyles here.

It's all a distortion of the true story: people buy calves as pets, because they're so cute, but nobody wants them when they grow up and so they get flushed down into the sewers. Now there are entire herds of Jersey, Holstein and even Longhorn cattle roaming the New York City sewer system, with the odd, occasional

This pretty much looks like the perfect place for a classic Scooby Doo adventure.

Two renfairs, both lacking in dignity, In fair Virginia, where we lay our scene...

I would imagine that some of the people involved in the one got fed up and started off on their own.

"stopping blood flow to troublesome politicians' brains,"

I understand what you are saying. But that's their right, while people have a right to free speech, we also have a right to our property. A website is like a house. It's owned by someone, and people who visit are guests. And the owner has every right to remove guests. It sucks, and may not be fair. But if your

Not to debate whether or not a trackpad is best for *all* computing activities––there probably are plenty good reasons why you'd want a mouse for gaming, graphics, etc.––but for *general* computing, I can't live without my (Magic) Trackpad + BetterTouchTools (OSX). I enjoyed my MBP trackpad so much that when Apple

a chick version of Fight Club with a lot of great performances