
But overrated doesn’t mean unimportant, as it exists as both Black America’s most prominent social lubricant and the reason why at least 35% of y’all niggas were conceived.

My only reservation about this in 1986—and I say this as someone who would have loved to see Joanna Lumley in the role—is that this was when “Doctor Who” was in an uncontrolled decline; production values that couldn’t keep up with the times, writing that seemed worse than before, and unfriendly executives looking for

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

Actually, it'd be worse to be a Jehovah's Witness vampire. Imagine, you have a hard enough time convincing people to invite you in... but you're a Jehovah's Witness bearing Watchtowers to boot.

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

Jordan would have fixed the A/C

What rhymes with hugbees?

Somewhat Immortal for a While

Really cool, but he needs to create a pocket sized version as well.

Look out our windshield.
Now at the billboard.
Now back to the windshield.
Now to the billboard.
Now to the plane.
Now your windshield is diamonds... because it's shattered.

I understand what you are saying. But that's their right, while people have a right to free speech, we also have a right to our property. A website is like a house. It's owned by someone, and people who visit are guests. And the owner has every right to remove guests. It sucks, and may not be fair. But if your

Or if you feel like you're already lugging enough weight around, just hang your camera bag from that hook.