
Obergefell v. Hodges was a 5-4 decision. Trump’s first Supreme Court appointee will replace Scalia, who was in the minority, so no change there. Kennedy and Ginsberg are over 80, and Breyer will be in a couple of years. All were in the majority, and any or all could be replaced in the next four years.

The 0-60 time is almost a full second longer than my Honda Fit.

Pitfall!, which came out the same year, also had multi-screens and a world map. My mom actually mapped the game world on a big piece of butcher paper (I come by geekish obsessions legitimately).

Wingstreet is an "actual wing place" like McCafé is an actual coffee shop.

I had something like this 3,000 years ago. I think it's called a rock, hammer and chisel.

"That's a pretty silly argument on cuntishness, seeing how both companies make money selling hardware."

It has nothing to do with cuntishness. Microsoft is a software company. They have no reason to give a damn where you run Windows once you've paid for it. Apple is a systems company that makes its money selling hardware. The flip side of that difference is that if you buy a Windows 8 PC, Microsoft isn't going to give

Lucy Liu, Daniel Dae Kim, Ming-Na, Michaela Conlin, Kunal Nayyar, Mindy Kaling, Jenna Ushkowitz, Grace Park, Masi Oka, and Steven Yeun, just to list folks with a current big-four network series (plus The Walking Dead).

Tila Tequila and William Hung? Jeez, I could list off a couple of flavor-of-the-moment social media and reality show "stars" for every color of the rainbow. If you asked me to list notable Asian-Americans, and you gave me a week and an entire legal pad to fill, I might work my way down to one of them, but not both.

Yeah, I know how much I hate it when someone gives me an iPhone for free and I have to spend ten bucks.

You can create an iTunes account with an iTunes gift card.

Yeah, watching the demo footage, the big advance appears to be that Sony discovered gamma.

Yes, and we build roads to accommodate vehicles that were designed for roads that were designed for vehicles that were designed for roads that were originally designed for Roman chariots, and much of our transportation infrastructure is still indirectly based on the width of a horse's ass.

Or if you feel like you're already lugging enough weight around, just hang your camera bag from that hook.

My first car was a '69 Dart, and GPS was not a factory option. I can't get used to thinking of Dodge Dart as the name of a modern car. Same problem with the Impala and the Charger.

Replace your car charger and check the cable. If that doesn't work replace your phone. Your battery shouldn't be running out while it's plugged in.

Spoken like someone who's never taken a tech support call that "my Microsoft doesn't work."

Byline, my iOS RSS reader of choice, just released an update that moves to Feedly as the back end. It's almost completely unchanged from the user side.

Wow. I thought I slacked at cleaning those out.

"But if I want to blow my ears out to the Backstreet Boys, that's my prerogative."

That's Bobby Brown, not the Backstreet Boys.