
A folding phone won’t do a damn thing about those 17,000 unread emails.

Obergefell v. Hodges was a 5-4 decision. Trump’s first Supreme Court appointee will replace Scalia, who was in the minority, so no change there. Kennedy and Ginsberg are over 80, and Breyer will be in a couple of years. All were in the majority, and any or all could be replaced in the next four years.

The 0-60 time is almost a full second longer than my Honda Fit.

If you put that in a jeans pocket for a while, something would get bent out of shape. Probably not the phone.

As others have mentioned, it's an hour's drive in zero traffic, which never happens. I think a DC-Baltimore train would, in a sense, create its own demand; If you could get from Baltimore to DC in half an hour, with bigger apartments and lower rents than in the District, that would be attractive to a whole lot of

To be fair, the picture on the left should also include a digital still camera, camcorder, iPod, GameBoy, flashlight and laptop. I'm also calling BS on the 9 characters per second claim — the current Guinness texting world record is 8.8 cps, and the last several new records have been set with Swype and similar

They'll do that over Kasey Kasem's de — oh. Never mind.

OCR translation could be the killer app* for jetsetters, along with the inevitable eventual price decrease, of course.

Or a floppy that could hold a couple terabytes.

Pitfall!, which came out the same year, also had multi-screens and a world map. My mom actually mapped the game world on a big piece of butcher paper (I come by geekish obsessions legitimately).

Wingstreet is an "actual wing place" like McCafé is an actual coffee shop.

"Now compare that effort and overlay the mobile handset business. This is not an emerging business. In fact it's gone so far that it's in the process of consolidation with probably two players dominating everything, Nokia Corp. NOK +0.13%and Motorola Inc. MSI -0.26%"

Reading that Dvorak article never gets old. The fact

Isn't that what Chromecast was supposed to be?

I bet there's also alarm that more than 40% of employee sick days are taken on Mondays and Fridays.

If Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap won't do it, I don't need it done.

I love the fact that they sent Prof. Kuo out in person instead of just calling on the phone. I also love the fact that his wife is also a theoretical physicist, so they could share the moment.

I guess I'm not part of the world any more.

One copper pair per line to the nearest switch is how circuit-switched networks roll to this day. At some point (probably when someone figured out how to reduce interference), those pairs started getting bundled together and switches got more widespread, but POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) is still a single

Moilla OS: Bravely taking on Android on the premise that they can make something cheaper than free.

Now all you'd need is an unknitting machine to recycle sweaters, unraveling them into reusable yarn. Children — and, let's face it, we horizontally-expanding adults — would never outgrow anything again.