
That ship sailed a long time ago. If they're responding to complaints about nudity, libel/slander, or copyright issues, they're already in the business of policing content. They don't need an army of people to "account for it"; just enough to address user complaints, like pretty much every other online forum that

Please, please banish the phrase "one of the only." It means nothing. "One of" and "only" cancel each other out. "One of the few" is a perfectly cromulent phrase, or "one of only a few" if you're not all that into the whole brevity thing.

If you really have that much trouble saying "ripp'n chick'n" out loud, I can only assume that you've never ordered a Moons Over My Hammy from Denny's or a Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n' Fruity from IHOP. Ripp'n Chick'n is pretty tame stuff .

Correction: the app is AirServer.

SBSettings used to be a major reason to jailbreak; the main reason for me now is all the widgets you can add to the Notification Center (including NCCettings). In terms of apps, WiFiFoFum and VLC (both of which used to be in the App Store) are the main ones. There is a much stronger case for jailbreaking older devices

I'd be down with ditching e-mail if there were something to replace it with. Replacing an open universal standard with a hodgepodge of proprietary systems on closed networks isn't it. I don't consider it an improvement if a message I need to refer to is on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, SMS, or any of the plethora of

1TB hybrid rather than 500GB of SSD. Do I need to explain how those are not comparable?

So you're saying that Apple skimped on components by not having half the storage space?

Can you show me a sub-$2000 computer with a terabyte SSD? Or, for that matter, a sub-$2000 terabyte SSD?

It should still install and run locally. I still have VNC from its brief appearance. "Kill switch" code was found in iOS back in '08 when the app store debuted, but to my knowledge Apple has never used it.

You should demand your money back.

Apple stole the iPhone name like it stole all those neat ideas from Xerox PARC — through the fiendishly clever M.O. of offering the rightful owners a bunch of money which they accepted. Bastards!

You know that scene in Aliens when the slimy little weasel Burke (Paul Reiser) gets killed by the alien, and for just a moment you're rooting for the dangerous acid monster?

Camping and camera stores carry jumbo-size packets of silica gel. I've even seen buckets of silica gel to dehumidify closets. As another poster mentioned, when they get saturated, a little while on low heat has them dried out and ready to reuse.

Unless you have a huge-ass phone from 1986, we're talking about mililiters here. If your vacuum is going to choke on a thimbleful of water, you might as well shop for a new vacuum while you're out getting a new phone.

All other things being equal*, more resolution is better. If you think the image is finished when it's written to the memory card, you probably don't need a DSLR at all; if you're going to crop, more pixels means more options.

A Jaws figure that isn't Quint? Please.

I used a lot of VNC remote apps, and finally went with Splashtop. One big point in its favor is that on the LAN, it can manage 30fps with sound, so if you're watching a movie on the computer you can take it with you to another room.

The White House isn't under any legal obligation to respond, but it has publicly committed to doing so. It is worth noting that saying "that is the silliest damn thing I've ever seen" is a response.

Hasn't methane already been detected on Saturn's moons? Finding organic compounds would suggest the possibility of life, but it doesn't prove its existence by a long shot.