
"Cable providers be damned" ... where do you think the money comes from to produce all these shows? Do you really think HBO will sell the 30 million or so episodes of GoT it would take just to break even?

I'm pretty sure this is how Tim Burton's career got started.

TRS-80 Model 100. That thing would run for-freaking-ever on just two AAs.

If you could burn shit into any surface with your eyeballs, you wouldn't use a pen much either. But I'm pretty sure Clark Kent uses a pen.

Awesome. If there's a thriving international market for volcanic ash, Montserrat suddenly has a huge new cash crop, and after a while they can get the other half of their island back.

Well, that's one alternative to designing a system with air flow and cooling in mind.

The government is under an obligation to use its powers to classify information only when necessary. The more secrets government officials keep from the source of the government's power — that's us, kids — the less democratic that government is, pretty much by definition.

Social media have been very, very good to him. His "everything is amazing and nobody's happy" bit was perfect share-bait. I recommend checking out his FX series; it's sort of the anti-sitcom, because nothing is pat and nothing gets wrapped up in 30 minutes. The "Duckling" episode is one of the best things I've seen on

I would guess that induced labor is more common than C-section, though they both contribute to the low incidence of births on holidays.

Unless "straight jackets" are some hipster outerwear to go with skinny jeans, in which case never mind.

Straitjackets. Like straitlaced. Both are derived from the same root as "constraint."

Apparently, someone thought the storm chaser dream team was Bill Paxton from "Twister" and Bill Paxton from "Aliens."

Did anyone else notice that it didn't occur to screaming passenger dude to put on his seat belt until about 3:45?

On the other hand, this IS Tallahassee, and between the state legislature and FSU, you'd think they'd have experienced game wardens on 24-hour call.

"It is unclear why the Sheriff's department elected to use a tazer on the llama rather than tranquilizing it."

That ship sailed a long time ago. If they're responding to complaints about nudity, libel/slander, or copyright issues, they're already in the business of policing content. They don't need an army of people to "account for it"; just enough to address user complaints, like pretty much every other online forum that

The first thing I did on the Internet proper — as opposed to AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, and GEnie — was set up a newsreader and subscribe to alt.folklore.urban, among other groups. My startup floppies from my ISP came with NCSA Mosaic, but I didn't use it for very long; I read in Wired that the creator of Mosaic, a

Please, please banish the phrase "one of the only." It means nothing. "One of" and "only" cancel each other out. "One of the few" is a perfectly cromulent phrase, or "one of only a few" if you're not all that into the whole brevity thing.

Heights won't kill you until you get into tens of thousands of feet. Falling won't kill you, either, unless you panic yourself into a heart attack.

Yup. Pretty much. Or to be more precise, any one-size-fits-all facility designed to accommodate one large person can hold two small ones. You name it, someone, some time, has had sex in it — phone booths, stadium seats, airplane toilets, sleeping bags, coffins ...

You could make the case that someone named Zenon Dragan was meant to build drones. Personally, I think he was meant to be ruler of all he surveys.