
"What if they covered the world in an electric smoggy haze ..." If we could see RF, WiFi would be low on the list of visual pollutants.

Finally, we can make gold teeth for vampires and werewolves that won't pop out when they transform.

I made a hell of a lot of mix tapes with Springsteen's "I'm On Fire" at the end of one side. Why? 2:30.

They also can't transmit, receive, copy, encrypt, decrypt, or store information, and the systems that do those things can be hacked.

Spoken like someone who's never taken a tech support call that "my Microsoft doesn't work."

Above the Law notes that Sevier has been suspended by the Tennesee Bar as unfit to practice law due to mental infirmity. This isn't a "dumb lawyer, dumb lawsuit" story, but the rantings of a man with a delusional mental illness.

Not to say there aren't still lulz to be had here.

What, no ZuneBox?

And my point was that to talk about "devolution" as going "backwards" is to assume that there is a "forwards." It's the teleological fallacy. To talk about forwards and backwards, or upgrades and downgrades, is to impose value judgments that don't apply to a biological process.

"Devolution" isn't the opposite of

You know what another word for "devolving" is? Evolving. Evolution doesn't have a direction in mind.

Erhmehgerd! You mean that I'm puting my hands on something that was touched by my filthy hands? Who knew?

Volunteers? You're adorable.

They measured the distance from highways and airports. All of that tundra in Alaska is both highway and airport, as you'd know if you watched more reality television.

Check out the top left corner in the photo.

I do most of my reading on the iPad and iPhone, with the desktop coming in third. Byline won me over a while ago, and it's switched to Feedly as a back end with almost completely seamless results. I'm not crazy about the Feedly browser interface, but fortunately I don't read RSS in the browser that often.

Byline, my iOS RSS reader of choice, just released an update that moves to Feedly as the back end. It's almost completely unchanged from the user side.

Wow. I thought I slacked at cleaning those out.

"Liking" is a great mechanism on social networks. It avoids (mostly) a tedious chain of "Yes!" "i agree" "THIS." "Amen!!!!1!" posts.

It's also completely beside the point. Liking makes a nice visual hook for the ads, but sharing, posting, creating yet another Facebook page and signing an online petition aren't

Is it just me, or does an RSS reader that's entirely image-focused completely miss the point of RSS?

So with every carefully-composed photo you take, you get a bonus unaimed selfie? Um, that's cool, I guess, but it's got to be uncomfortable to hold the duckface for that long.

"But if I want to blow my ears out to the Backstreet Boys, that's my prerogative."

That's Bobby Brown, not the Backstreet Boys.