
I don't see how this becomes the norm. A comedy special with a couple hundred grand up front is one thing, a network series that costs millions of dollars per episode to produce and requires a multi-episode commitment up front something else altogether.

There's nothing wrong with the sentence. In formal grammar, it's more correct than "what it cost to produce the special and build the Web site," which would be the more common phrasing. "Ed went to New York and Bob to Santa Fe" is the same basic structure.

"Siri, find the nearest punk whose ass needs tasering."

As a gauntlet, it's pretty cool. As a prosthesis, it could belong to the coolest James Bond villain ever.

I have a simple (-ish) composite video out cable for my iPhone. If Apple dumped the 30-pin connector, that would require that the phone translate the audio and video outputs to a USB data stream, and then a that a box translate it back to composite video. The iPhone battery would have to power both ends of the

There are a surprising number of people who don't know what the address bar is for, don't know what a bookmark is, and don't know what a Web browser is. They have a shortcut on the desktop labeled "internet," and they click that to "go to the internet." If you get a tech support call that begins "when I open my

Yeah, and the sunlight that hits one square foot of the Earth's surface contains enough energy to charge an iPhone for the next few billion years. Not to mention the amount of energy in a dime-sized chunk of plutonium. Converting that energy into electricity is a bitch, though.

"Dump in some leaves, add hot water ..." No. Just no. Add *boiling* water. Hot water from the office Bunn-O-Matic is better than nothing, but if you're going to go to the effort to do it right, do it right.

Yes, by all means, let's go back to the days when artists worked for free and didn't dirty their hands with filthy lucre. I mean, Leonardo wouldn't paint for money or try to gain fame and fortune, would he? Beethoven needed no earthly reward, right?

No, not at all in the same way micro and mini USB can. The 30-pin connector has dedicated audio and video line outs and audio line ins; translating audio to a USB data stream or vise versa adds another step and saps battery life. The 30-pin connector also supports Firewire, though that's not supported in more recent

So if someone's breaking into your house, you can find it quickly and go all Scooby Doo on a burglar's ass.

Isn't it strange that a company with one the most recognizeable trademarks on the planet objects to other people manufacturing stuff with their logo on it? Oh, wait, that isn't strange at all.

Okay, so I went and crunched the numbers, because that's just the kind of dork I am. There are 56 counties in the US with a population density of less than 1 per square mile (2.6/km^2). The total area of those 56 counties is 614,704 square miles, about 1.6 million km^2. That's more than one third of the area of the

More advanced than anywhere in the US? I don't think so. More advanced than the US on average? Definitely. Geography is a problem here. How many places in Northwestern Europe have population densities <1 person per square km?

I prefer to stick with the classics.

Oh, does little kramnos want to telecommute? What's the matter, kramnos? Army food not good enough? Are our — DON'T YOU EYEBALL ME, MAGGOT — are our beds too hard? You want to be home, where your mommy can bring you hot cocoa while you play Minecraft? Well SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP! Now DROP and GIVE ME TWO TO THE SIXTH!

Lazy prose runs long

I suppose you could use it to recharge the car's battery, but there's no way it'd do the job in five minutes. 5V @ 2.1A = 10.5W. Double that for both USB ports, so 10V @ 2.1A = 12V @ 1.68A, without even accounting for the inefficiencies of stepping up to 12V. That's trickle charger territory.

MacOS isn't Unix' "progeny." It *is* Unix. POSIX-compliant and certified by whoever owns the trademark this month. Unix is the second-highest-selling desktop OS on the market, and still plretty popular for servers. By what standard is Unix dead while Linux lives?

Charging an iPad: 5V @ 2.1A. Jump-starting a car: 12V @ 300A, minimum. Not in the same ballpark.