
Charging an iPad: 5V @ 2.1A. Jump-starting a car: 12V @ 300A, minimum. Not in the same ballpark.

Move that subwoofer about a foot lower, and it's a whole different kind of party, amirite, ladies?

We have heard about it, over and over. The This American Life episode was the latest. William Poundstone published his formula in "Big Secrets" in 1983. Coca-Cola won't admit it, of course, and no one has the incentive to push it given the business realities I mentioned above.

Real Coke pro tip: Stock up in early spring. Look for the Orthodox Union symbol on the packaging or for yellow caps on bottles. Corn isn't kosher for Passover, so Coca-Cola switches over to real sugar for a few weeks.

In the age of mass spectrometers, do you honestly think that no one has nailed the formula, or gotten it close enough that no human could tell the difference? The "secret formula," like KFC's "11 secret herbs and spices," is pure marketing hype. That's why they've moved it from a bank vault to the centerpiece of a

Not to pile on, but Snapseed has bugger-all to do with the iPad's camera. If you use the camera connection kit or Photostream, you have tons of pics on the iPad that didn't originate there. Snapseed has an interface that's perfectly suited to the iPad screen size and interface, and Adobe should be ashamed it hasn't

30K and no AirPlay? No Bluetooth? Yeesh.

The board cannot decide for Woz whether Woz wants to come back.

It's a London bridge, capital L, little B, in the same sense that the Golden Gate is a California bridge or Pont Neuf is a Paris bridge. The body text identifies it as the Tower Bridge, both words capitalized.

I don't think that's the board's decision to make. Woz hasn't designed a system in decades that I know of, and I doubt he's up to speed with the current state of the industry. It would be like bringing in Henry Ford to design a modern car. Besides, for the last 25 years or so, Woz seems to have found more fun things

Actually, I've met quite a few hipsters who call themselves hipsters. But they do it, you know, ironically.

Intel is supposed to be releasing an Atom SOC (system on a chip) some time next year, and I would imagine this is aimed for that. But I would not be a bit surprised if someone makes a five-pound quad-core i7 tablet Because! They! Can! And then all the spec geeks will need a change of underwear.

"Bombers are useful to have but fighters? " You seem to be under the impression that there's a clear distinction between the two. If anything, it's traditional bombers that are all but obsolete; few military engagements call for a B-52 or B-1 to drop tons of unguided munitions at a time. In the YouTube era, we don't

Yes, because when the USSR collapsed, the Russians stopped making fighter planes and selling them to other people. The MiG-29s it was built to outclass all ceased to exist in 1991, right?

I can imagine some actual practical applications for sound-to-power. Lighting for traffic tunnels, abundant free power at NASCAR races and firing ranges, and lighting that brightens and dims based on the volume of conversation in the room — mood lighting in the most literal sense. Even noise-cancelling earplugs that

What Sony doesn't get, and what killed Kodak: It's better to cannibalize your own sales than to leave it for someone else to do.

Boy, have I got a deal for your friend ...

Two services.

Interesting. I dug into the Javascript on that page, and all it really is is a shortcut to a non-standard URL of the form "prefs:root=[foo]". For nested prefs, it's "prefs:root=[foo]&path=[bar]" Apple could block this, but then they wouldn't be able to link to the prefs from their own documentation.

I first jail broke my iPhone 3G with iOS 3; SBSettings was huge. With multitasking, it's much easier to flip into settings and back than it used to be, so it's not a big deal. The big thing I miss now, and the only reason I'll even think about jailbreaking my iPhone 4 when an untethered jailbreak becomes available, is