
It feels like a dick move on oculus part for sure. For anyone who owns VR and is affected by this tho, the revive team already found a new work around. Kotaku needs to update this article. This is last week’s news (not being trite it’s weird to publish this article late then not include latest info)

Really, ActionTrip? “Master-Chief Lookalike Marine”? Really?

First comedy and now this. When will Family Guy stop ruining things.

Who doesn't enjoy a classic roast beef with some nice curly fries?

Battlefield should take note, with their titanium huts and iron Porto-potties that no RPG can penetrate! What happened DICE?

Sadly I think we are treading that ground right now. Capitalism has become too agressive and for some years now the symptoms are starting to show, there is a worldwide socioeconomic crisis and I don’t like one bit where are we going.

It’s beautiful.

I love stock gaming photos where people who are the correct age to actually play games are holding controllers in a way that ZERO people actually do.

I love to imagine those dudes collecting a check for selling that photo. And the 40 something climber who never played a game using that image on his

That stock photo. All of my rage.

Kickstarter as a whole isn’t a bad thing, it’s just when it’s applied to projects that don’t fit the concept well (like videogame development, with their hard-to-control budgets & problems) that it can be an issue.

He is just went all PR, and you never go all PR.

QUOTE | “We are providing challenge in the games we make, and people are growing inside those economies. In a world of digital content and user-generated content, we are providing self-actualization for a great many of our players.” - Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson, saying his customers are achieving their human

Yeah, if this is advancement and evolution you can keep it. Modern iterations of business are one of the most immoral, destructive entities history has ever known. Profit before people, or capitalism, is not even remotely sustainable, promotes resource rape and cultural exploitation, destruction of alternate forms of

Doom, Stellaris, Salt & Sanctuary, S.P.A.Z. 2, Alienation, Dark Souls 3, Factory Idle, Reactor Idle, Reactor Incremental, Rainbow Six: Siege, Stardew Valley... uhh.... maybe some S.P.A.Z. 1 as well. Busy weekend.

Doom. Doom. And MOAR DOOM. Working on digging up all the secrets, and need to take a whack at Nightmare mode.

I’ll be killing lots of demons with my double barreled shotgun because the new Doom FUCKING RULES!...Also I might play a bit of Far Harbor.

Im fine with cons hiring cosplayers for panels and whatnot - if they want them.

That's the joke.

You’re over-analyzing it.

For what it was, It was pretty interesting. Just like how Dark Souls from the surface seems to have little to no story, But it turns out to have one of the deepest stories of any game out there. I hope they go that route, Because it’s pretty obvious they plan on making another.

It actually IS decent. I’m having fun, i actually feel it like a hopeless revolution. If someone mod in it a realistic mod like STALKER it would be perfect.

It’s just not “technically” refined.