
Wait, Oculus promised there’d be no DRM and exclusivity?

... Ouch.

Blacklist’s story was literally propaganda that tried to shove it down your throat in every line of dialogue. The gameplay was amazing, though.

Huh, really? Was it ported over anywhere?

Not if it's on the Vita.

I also hope that down the line we get an actual SDK. I love SnapMap, but if its very existence is to stifle actual modding, then I’d rather see it gone.

So, basically Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Do they have it with Spanish dubbing?

I thought you had to complete the campaign on any difficulty?

Man, now I want more than ever for this game to have been good.

I disagree. Doom is a great title, but naming reboots the very same title as the original is just dumb, especially in a conversation.

I wish there was more of a story, only because the game does, in fact, force cutscenes on you anyway.

True, I’d love a prequel more than a sequel to this game. Would give them an opportunity to name the remake DOOMed instead of straight up DOOM (which is a stupid naming scheme for a reboot).

Especially siince the ending was so frustrating.

Right, I’m just saying if they went with the pickup system, those particular hypothetical cards (which shows the locatin of every weapon) could be perma-kept for new players.

BTW if the colours are bothering anyone on PC, try running Gritty mode in the render settings. It mitigates the filters and brings out more natural lighting to the game. Kind of a weird choice in name, I suppose. Really makes the game more pleasing to look at for me.

Glad to hear there are people liking it! I go there from time to time... Even though I hate it. Sometimes I just gotta play Doom with actual people when SnapMap doesn’t cut it.

Allegedly there will be more features updated in SnapMap. I doubt single player will get an expansion, though.