Maybe you guys can help me. Don’t need to hijack a thread, but I’m 12 weeks and I found out its a boy. I have a 3 year old girl, and I’m ashamed to admit I’m disappointed its a boy. Ugh. How do I get over it?
Maybe you guys can help me. Don’t need to hijack a thread, but I’m 12 weeks and I found out its a boy. I have a 3 year old girl, and I’m ashamed to admit I’m disappointed its a boy. Ugh. How do I get over it?
Mine did, too, and somewhere along the line I realized that was such a gift because I didn’t have his toxic issues in my life. A person who CAN walk away from their child maybe should.
He is a straight-up gangster.
Discount Double-Check? Pssh, more like Disown disrespect
Ah yes, the tabloids WOULD say it’s the girlfriend’s fault. It always comes down to the girlfriend or wife. Apparently none of these men have any sort of free will. Either that or we have an exceedingly high number of female hypnotists in our midst. I bet it’s the latter.
Mm, this hurts. I think I’m fucking this up. I steal my kisses, often. I’ve gotta stop. This article is amazing and I have a lot to learn about parenting. It’s really hard to shift gears, but I will try.
“Latina Beach” is such an excellent autocorrect failure.
feeding kids oils? This won’t end well. I feel bad for the nanny on diaper duty.
I was going to respond, but honestly... it’s not worth it. There’s just so much wrong with it.
“Kaepernick is as white as he is black”
Yes, this. Couches and drugs and alcohol, as I recall, are the most common factors in deaths or serious injuries connected to cosleeping.
Also, I, too, kick mine out once it stops being convenient. Cosleeping, for us, means better sleep for everyone involved... to a point. For my son it was 10 months, for my daughter…
I’d counter that the hazards are also overstated, and more vociferously. There are risks, many of which can be avoided all together and more still minimized.
I’m sure all of these practices were pretty common in history throughout the world. Leave it to white people to think they invented everything.
It’s not foreign though in reality tv. Especially in the Housewives franchise. There’s always the one cast member that Andy loves and has the power no matter what. i.e. LvP, Bethenny, the Manzo’s, Nene (obviously not currently though). It changes throughout the years. Andy has always been pretty open about who his…
Agreed. I thought them leaving Jules’ house during the ‘tour’ was super fucking rude and then they attempted to do the same thing when leaving Dorinda’s! It’s so childish.
I gotta admit, her special was incredibly compelling.
The problem is Andy Cohen gave Bethenny too much power. So she essentially runs the show. Carole doesn’t have a storyline so she clings on to Bethenny and they both become insufferable together. Carole is like a walking Pinterest board.
Normally I’d be more annoyed with Luann but Bethenny and Carole are so goddamn annoying and insufferable that I almost welcome Luann and her happiness - whether it’s real or not.
I LOVE LUANN AND THAT SHE LOVES TO SLEEP AROUND AND LOVES LOVE! her special was amazing. i’m sure she has an open relationship with this guy NEWAY