
I’ve just learned not to listen to anyone on hair washing habits. Dermatologists are in it for the bucks, aestheticians and beauty people are in it for the bucks, and the rest of us are obsessed with brands that signify our social standing (“I can only use Aveeeeda”). Use what you want. If you go bald, you go bald.

You can pry my dry shampoo from my cold dead lazy shower hating hands.

People are buying this after seeing that packaging? I have never been so thrilled to just use Chap-Stick in all my life.

Is that packaging supposed to look attractive? It’s like my kid eating ice-cream.

Yes, it looked like she was wearing a v neck of tiny toilet paper rolls! Or a space suit.

I would wear any one of the Golden Girls’ outfits if I never EVER have to see a photo of Dorothy’s atrocity of a wedding dress in the finale.

Totally off topic. I love that episode of the Golden Girls. The very very very young and unfamous George Clooney cracks me up.

No, I don't think it makes more sense than having the magazine in English.

Maybe because last I checked, there were 1,889 English publications registered in India with a combined circulation of over 6,44,05,643 copies? But go ahead, and continue living under a rock by all means.

Or you know, she’s Indian and that’s how our brows look.

I don’t know what these words are. Is this like a Sears Roebuck catalogue? Where are my glasses?

I took my daughter to a menstruation awareness day event this weekend (because I’m that kind of mom) and then our boyfriend Daveed posted this:

It’s so true! It’s definitely hard, but damn it feels good to stand up for yourself and get the treatment/answers you need.

This is the faceless anonymous childish response of a bunch of mentally ill and/or deranged people. The Internet lets them spew their inanity and stupidity without fear.

Not a legal Jezzie, but I do think Kylie would have a better chance than most in her situation because she can afford a good lawyer and Tyga can't afford shit. Also, I'm wondering if the fact that she put money into his album would have a greater chance of being considered a business loan (or investment). I doubt she

He was shocked when she asked to be paid, telling her he thought the money was a gift, not a loan,” the insider said. “He’s a total loser and owes her over $2 million

giiiiiirl you don’t gotta tell me about getting bigger faster the second time around. I’m only a couple months but I practically look full term. Which is even more awkward cuz I haven’t told anyone at work yet.

and then steal the milk meant for that calf

Low fat non-fat dairy is appalling. Like this product IS fat! That’s why it’s good! Me: “Take your non-fat cheese and your gluten free crackers and your non-alcoholic beer and GTFO!”

You know how male rapists are - once they see the women’s sign on a bathroom door, they are physically incapacitated and barred from entering, so that’s why it’s important to gender segregate.