I don’t know about “still”. Dude needs to back away from the Just For Men on that stache.
I don’t know about “still”. Dude needs to back away from the Just For Men on that stache.
The TV commercials were so bizzare, it bordered on parody. Back-to-back commercials from one candidate, then the other, then the first one again all just responding to the accusations in the other commercial. Since I don’t live in their district, it was a nice comedic interlude from the rest of the political…
I totally get all of this. I also fear those things, and I think that being an overbearing hawk-eyed mother is undervalued in our society. I am Indian and all the boys I knew growing up were studious goody two-shoes mama’s boys. Which is likely why I didn’t marry an Indian guy, LOL! But there is something to be…
I’m pregnant with my second, first being a boy. I was so nervous I was going to have a girl but #2 will also be a boy. I was SO relieved. This is a strange feeling coming from someone who pre-kids always imagined that I would have girls. I have a sister, all my cousins are girls, it was all I knew. But now boys…
My husband’s Spanish grandfather was named Balthazar. I think its a great name, I wish one of his brother’s had passed on the name to their kids. My kid needs to have an Indian name, otherwise I would have.
He actually has all the resources in the world to even just make it seem like he’s seeing Suri. Hire a full-time Mary Poppins nanny that she actually hangs out with.
What if she’s LORELAI and LUKE’S surrogate?!?!?!?!?!?
It can happen! We’ve got to stretch and believe that Rory slept with wookie at the very, very end of Spring, had a slow moving egg (which would make sense for this sap) and it implanted later than usual. Also she would have to be on that seasonal bc pill so as not to be expecting a period anyway or just assuming she…
I mean, it would make sense if he opted for a Ceasar cut.
Right! I’m always wondering what my husband and I are doing wrong. We live comfortably, but definitely work for our money. Our bills are paid, we’re saving for retirement, college, etc. No way could we ever dream of affording some of these million dollar plus places on remote islands. And none of the buyers look…
Totally! Listen “once you give birth to them, you can do whatever you’d like to them. You can nuzzle their necks, smell their heads, squeeze their butts, whatever you want” LOL!
+1 Mastitis
But do you watch the majesty of 90 Day Fiance?
Are you a parent? I totally view this show differently after having a kid. Now I really see Lorelai’s selfishness and just utterly annoying behaviors and I sympathize with Emily and Richard for having to live with a daughter like that for as long as they did. God, she must have had a pithy comment for every little…
I feel the same way about pets. Pet-owner friends always want me to pet their animals and let them lick my face or rub their tail and butt in my face.
Its hard for me to practice what I preach. I tell him about body autonomy and not having to hug people, etc. But I instinctively kiss him and smother him and squeeze his little butt because I still think of him as a squishy baby, even though he’s 5 years old. It’s not right and I need to correct my behavior. But…
You’re thinking of Katie Price.
Yeah, didn’t she “steal” that first wife from Lou Diamond Phillips?
Let me preface by saying that I think Tre and Joe are absolutely criminals who need to pay for their crimes and actually own up to what they did. That said, I get a little sad seeing Joe’s scenes with the girls. I think he and Milania could have their own show. Gia’s (rightly) been annoyed by his drinking but of…
But she admitted she was only with him 5 times in 10 years. So, who really cares?