
Sonja admitted that it was only 5 times in 10 years, so who really cares?

My kid also “wasn’t himself” after MMR and though I wouldn’t say he was “limp”, he was definitely a big mush and just wanted to be on me 24/7. But, that seemed to be the case with a lot of kids that get MMR. My doctor told me exactly what to expect and that’s what happened. We monitored, we gave Tylenol when needed

Right? Attachment parenting was mostly about laziness for me. Stroller or car seat was a pain to get in and out so I always used a wrap. Kid didn’t want bottles, I certainly didn’t want to clean them, so I exclusively nursed. No interest in crib sleeping and it actually made me anxious, so we co-slept.

No, no, I co-slept with my kid so I am CLEARLY the monster for putting his life at risk, according to some. See, we’re really all just horrible parents all around. The end.

Its on iTunes.

Chicken definitely tastes different these days. Plus I bet they’ve changed the kind of oil they use.

That makes me so sad, but you’re right. She needed Joe in the sea of floofy pink dresses and leopard print tights. Now she’s all alone with all the girls.

I wish I had the opportunity, and that it extended to her punchable children as well.

I don’t understand his fascination with Caroline or her loser children. I loathe them all. It would at least be something if they were interesting enough to warrant a show, but they’re not.

She resembles Voldemort. Her latest nose job is tragic.

How long before they try a Gone With the Wind remake?

Ugh! She’s the worst! Her and her stupid flags.

I have the thickest, curliest hair ever. My husband has fine hair that tends to have soft waves or curls if he grows it out. I swore that my son would have my hair because curly hair is supposedly dominant. Well my 5 yo had fine straight hair until about last year, now he’s got a little more body but still straight

I think what was missed under the Location section is a discussion of the neighborhood itself. We were tunnel visioned in our love for the look and feel of the house we bought but didn’t notice the shortcomings of the neighborhood. The side street that is actually pretty busy because everyone in 4 towns uses it as a

Iron sheets??? Why?

But did you take solace in the Brant auditorium? Or the Lawn?

And racist.

Because their father is a well-connected billionaire and their mother is a former supermodel, back when being a supermodel was actually rare.

I cried at my desk listening to that as well as the last scene with Philip and Eliza. Sobbed.

I always thought we would see Paul again as a successful Sci-Fi writer or something in the California episodes. Or even in those cult scenes with Roger’s daughter.