
That’s what I love about Bucky apologizing to Sam, he had such a one dimensional perception about the shield, not realizing that it was basically a bullseye. A target for all villains and geopolitical issues of the current time, and whoever held it had to deal with all of it.
And if a congressional medal of honor

They really set him up to fail. Walker and Hoskins are decorated soldiers with experience in tactical missions in desert and mountain environments.

The first job they get is as detectives searching for leads.

Walker and Hoskins are who you call when you need a door smashed in and everyone on the other side killed or

Thunderbolts as an anti-hero Suicide Squad type team and Dark Avengers as the grander villains of either the first or second team up.

It looks like you are right

I didn’t even consider that the next phase of the MCU will be an investment on villains. We’re past all the origin stories so it would make sense to start inserting characters that can serve as more than just the finish line of a movie.
Perhaps even a DOOM series?

There’s no way Val and Fury are working together. He’d never bring in Walker after what happened last week.

This could have easily been a season finale right up until the New York stuff. Will be interesting to see how all these parts come together.

I read that too--the scene definitely has a “reshoots” feel to it for me when she has to say her full name, which means they may had to change stuff to give her a fuller intro.


My problem is, there’s no reason it can’t change. Superhero movies are far bigger and more lucrative than they were even fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, I think Marvel still hadn’t been bought by Disney yet. IMO, it’s not outrageous to rethink how creators should be compensated and take steps to address it. New

Hey, at least that looks comfy. Imagine if this lovely bit of TNG concept art went into production:

Just once, I wish they would change from their bridge uniform to something more tactical for an away mission. In TOS, when the transporters go down, Sulu almost freezes to death because no one thinks anything can possibly go wrong while on an away mission. In TNG Riker forces us through a clip-show episode because he

No mention of the short-lived men’s miniskirts?

You may have missed something critical:

Not to mention those awesome away team jackets that I’ve always coveted.

Fun fact: the main reason why the TOS uniforms went from muted beiges in the pilots to vivid reds, blues, golds, and greens in the series was because of the widespread adoption of color TVs in the mid-to-late ‘60s. The idea was that if you were paying for a color set, you deserved to have shows that made the most of

S3 was such a welcome welcome return to form for Trek, especially the finale.

Yeah, I think I’m just a little weary of it. That Trill episode was one of my favorites, even if they used a bit too much CGI to fill in the clunky spots for my tastes. I realize it would’ve made the universe small, but I kind of wish we’d had a bit of Dax to make the future feel a little more like home.

I love this show because it gives me the one thing I really want and expect from Star Trek: the concept of hope for the future.

I’ve also gotten a little tired of that conceit, but I will say, one thing that Disco S3 and Picard both did well was making the individual episodes feel distinct and important.

I can think back to both seasons and think of, “The one where they [whatevered]”. That feeling is an essential part of Star Trek, IMO. It’s