
It was so obviously a joke, and these dumbass racists all fell for it! It boggles the mind, it really does.

Well, what’s happened in the US has, of course, been that the definition of “white” changed to make sure that white people maintained enough numbers and power to maintain the status quo. That worked well enough for a while, but I think the game’s been given up now. I don’t get the impression that Asian people want to

To be fair, with modern medicine, the risks double from “astronomically unlikely” to “incredibly unlikely” and then on to “extremely unlikely”. It becomes more difficult to *conceive* as you get older, but the riskiness is overblown. Women have been having babies in their 40s since ancient times, if they lived that

I’ve found Youtube a better source for that kind of thing. I’ve come across a bunch of videos of people showing off how they converted, like, a garage into a tiny house, or a stairwell into an apartment, or whatever. Weird spaces turned into living space. Some of them looked like they spent enough money on their

To be fair, the whole concept of “politically correct” is absolute BS propaganda that the far right invented, in order to smear the civil rights movement as evil commies out to destroy America. They knew they couldn’t win on actually openly arguing *for* racism & the oppression of women anymore, so they decided to

Maybe it’s just the old school fan in me, but this last season felt more “like Doctor Who” to me than anything else in the new series has. It feels just like the show I fell in love with on PBS late at night growing up, only with better character drama & SFX.

Oooh. I’m excited to see what they do with them!

Of course the BBC didn’t have the rights when the show wasn’t on the air. Why would they have paid the Nation estate for their use if they weren’t using them

They got a lot of costume design inspiration from Ultimates, too, and gave Hawkeye a wife & kids. And had Fury get the team together, and Bucky be Steve's BFF from back home. But yeah, the idea that the Ultimates were the inspiration for the MCU is way overstating things.

That’s a good point. We’re all kind of assuming it is, because the trailer is cut to make it seem that way, but there’s no reason to assume that the video footage isn’t from somewhere else entirely.

Possibly - though I think the security camera DVR I have at work calls everything it records “archive”, even stuff from 1 second ago. At very least, though, it’s almost certainly *not* a live stream from the front door of the Avengers HQ.

Remember he wanted to steal Bucky’s arm in Wakanda?

Awesome! I’ve been very much enjoying this series and her as the Doctor. I love the large TARDIS crew; I started watching Doctor Who with S19 (early Five) reruns on PBS back in the day, so having three companions feels *correct* to me. (So does having a tiny bit of a crush on the Doctor, for the same reason! ;) )

I think that there’s a big difference between dressing up as a *character* who happens to be a different ethnicity from you, and dressing up as *an ethnicity*.

Because there’s very little decent queer representation in popular media, so we’ll take whatever little scraps & hints we do get and let our imagination run with it. It makes some people happy and harms nobody.

It’s especially remarkable considering how much poorer a country they were compared with the US. 

I haven’t actually read the America Chavez book yet, so I can’t say anything about it’s quality. (I did like her character a lot in Young Avengers and Ultimates.) But a lot of fanboys have been holding it up as this example of, like, “see, Marvel tries to create these new [female/POC/LGBT/whatever] characters and the

Totally original characters are a tougher sell; I think it’s easier for them to launch one character off of another, because there’s a built-in audience and it’s easier to explain the concept. And when they have been trying something new-new, it doesn’t seem to do as well and gets some bitching from readers (i.e.

I dunno. I think that between the trashy crossover events and remakes, in the last 5 years or so there’s also been a decent amount of new characters introduced and tired old back-benchers given new life, and those characters are getting put on Disney Channel cartoons and even the movies. They’ve been experimenting

Disney at the corporate level probably just sees the comics as an IP farm for the much more profitable movies, TV shows, toys, etc. They probably don’t care that much if the comics are a bit of a mess. But if the farm ain’t growing anything new for the movies and is just recycling the same old same old....