
The Mockingbird series (which was excellent and critically acclaimed) is her only work I’ve read, but apparently she’s a very successful young adult author. Successful creators with established audiences are exactly the kind of people that Marvel needs if they want to grow their audience base.

When she was in training to be a pilot, she threw up in the flight simulator (or maybe an actual flight?) and, well... anyway, it was explained in the Brian Reed Ms Marvel series, which I read while on oxycontin recovering from surgery so my memory of it's a little hazy.

That’s an interesting idea! It would be an interesting twist, and explain the cagey-ness.

I read some of her series, and found it most interesting when they used it as a vehicle to explore her alternate universe (i.e. alt!Cap), and least interesting when they rehashed Spiderman stories.

And suddenly it all makes sense. Thank you. So this is TERFs being their usual jerkwad selves, going after anyone that’s not a “real enough woman” for them or whatever garbage?

I think a lot of this issue is rooted in a labor issue - that is, the fact that for a long time (I think this is starting to change, a little), openly LGBTQ actors would get typecast and only cast in LGBTQ roles, which there were not many of. When there was a high-profile LGBTQ role, and a straight actor was cast, it

Maybe on Alpha Centauri, but that pose would literally break a human spine.

I did have Wheel of Fortune. Whether it’s in decent condition or not is another question......

Man. I remember being a kid and Black Lotus was worth ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which might as well have been $87,000 to a bunch of 10-year olds in the mid-90s, and also that we’d never ever see one. But I’ve still got my old (Reserved/4th edition/Fallen Empires/Ice Age) cards in my attic somewhere, maybe I should dig

To be fair, the Star wars fandom hated the prequels too. But the internet wasn't what it is today, so nobody else noticed.

The way that “sexy” comic book ladies are often drawn (more so back in the 90s, but still today in a lot of Dynamite, Zenescope, etc titles) tends to violate the rules of human anatomy, so... no. They’re a fantasy. Nobody can really, for example, post with their butt and chest both facing the same way at the same time

Allegedly, yes. That's supposedly what's in the agreement with Terry Nation's estate. 

I think that getting your real name dug up is a natural consequence of saying a thing on camera in public, in front of witnesses, in your community or workplace in real life. You don’t have any reasonable expectation of privacy from your neighbors or coworkers knowing your identity.

“Weakened” is relative. In the OT, the Empire ruled the entire galaxy with an iron fist. In TFA, they control what seems to be (haven’t rewatched it in a while) significantly less than half of the galaxy. Which is still a lot of stuff! Enough to build Star Destroyers and field armies and have widespread slave labor.

Exactly! TFA got him to the point where he was looking out for his friends, and was willing to be proactive to do that. Which is development, but it’s not *enough* development. They needed to get him to the place where he was really committed to fighting for a good cause for it’s own sake. Getting him to a place where

No, but it’s basic storytelling.

If you don’t mind me asking - how old are you? Were you a Star Wars fan before the prequels came out? I’ve seen some other folks on the internet articulate this same kind of idea, and I realized that it makes total sense if you grew up with the prequels.

This is an interesting line of reasoning. If you don’t mind answering this - how old are you? Were you in Star Wars fandom before the prequels came out?

If she hadn’t done it, Finn would’ve died and the cannon would’ve blasted through the door anyway, because it was an idiotic suicide run that was there entirely to showcase Finn’s character development over the course of this movie.

The Canto Bight mission was about character development, not plot development. In TFA and the start of this movie, Finn’s motivation is to save his own life (and Rey’s). They needed to get him to a point where he was fighting to save the galaxy from the evils of oppression, instead of just fighting to save himself.