
I’ve found Youtube a better source for that kind of thing. I’ve come across a bunch of videos of people showing off how they converted, like, a garage into a tiny house, or a stairwell into an apartment, or whatever. Weird spaces turned into living space. Some of them looked like they spent enough money on their

They got a lot of costume design inspiration from Ultimates, too, and gave Hawkeye a wife & kids. And had Fury get the team together, and Bucky be Steve's BFF from back home. But yeah, the idea that the Ultimates were the inspiration for the MCU is way overstating things.

I did have Wheel of Fortune. Whether it’s in decent condition or not is another question......

Man. I remember being a kid and Black Lotus was worth ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which might as well have been $87,000 to a bunch of 10-year olds in the mid-90s, and also that we’d never ever see one. But I’ve still got my old (Reserved/4th edition/Fallen Empires/Ice Age) cards in my attic somewhere, maybe I should dig

I think that getting your real name dug up is a natural consequence of saying a thing on camera in public, in front of witnesses, in your community or workplace in real life. You don’t have any reasonable expectation of privacy from your neighbors or coworkers knowing your identity.

That’s entirely fair. The stuff in Acts about how the church members lived communally and the one guy who selfishly hid some of his money for himself got struck dead by God would point in that direction as well. ;)

Check out the #Exvangelical hashtag on Twitter. It’s a lot of formerly evangelical/fundie folks talking and writing about their experiences. I think there’s some FB presence as well.

Have you come across the... I don’t know if *movement* is the right word, it’s a social media hashtag kind of thing, called “Exvangelical”, of people that are former fundie/evangelical Christians? I’d put that stuff behind me years ago, but I came across it on Twitter by accident, and it really threw me back. That’s

Capitalism hadn’t been invented yet when he was around, but.... basically, this, yeah.

I think you may be confusing game developer Zoe Quinn with video blogger Anita Sarkiseesian. Both were subjected to nasty death threats and violent harassment by GGers, and I think they ended up doing some work together, so it’s understandable to mix them up.

Right, witches in western folklore mostly live in forests or castles.

Gun ownership hasn’t increased continuously. The proportion of gun owners in the US population has remained roughly the same for decades.

To be fair, lots of cults/authoritarian leaders/etc taught some good self-help things in with the crazy. I think that’s how they become successful - they start with the reasonable stuff, their followers see that following the leader’s advice improved their life, and that leaves them willing to listen to the real crazy

Actually, colleges have already done so, and many have switched to male preference in admission.

Actually, colleges have already done so, and many have switched to male preference in admission.

Isn’t his subject clinical psychology? That’s not the same as sociology, criminology, etc.

He has said in the past that “state tyranny” should be used to stop people from having casual sex.

Off the top of my head, I only know one same-sex couple where there was a name change, with one wife taking the other’s last name. I’m not sure why they made that choice, though part of me wonders if there was an element of, like...... ingrained heternomativity to it, since it was a femme woman taking her much more

I don’t know if they’re starving, but the sanctions are hurting them. I think the goal of the whole thing for Putin was to get someone elected POTUS who would repeal or ignore the sanctions.

Well, it sucks that people have said that to you.