A glossary would’ve helped for sure.
A glossary would’ve helped for sure.
I find it odd/interesting that people say that about Asian men, because I’ve known a number of white women that are ALL ABOUT Korean or Japanese guys. I think this is one of those things where women’s actual sexual desires tend to get downplayed culturally in favor of what men imagine that women desire.
ISIS wasn’t totally non-capitalist, FWIW. I read an investigative article the other day by a journalist who went to Iraq to gather organizational documents that ISIS left behind, and what they found is that ISIS raised capital largely by 1) leasing out the seized property of non-Muslims (of course they defined…
I’ve seen some screenshots of posts/comments from incel guys saying, basically, that they think the government should force hot women to have sex with them. So.... I wouldn’t be too surprised by that, honestly.
Eh, these guys think of themselves as having low social status and value, so my guess is that they mean a woman that they also perceive to have low value or social status. Like... “if she’s willing to date one of us, she must be desperate and ugly, and that doesn’t count anyway”. Ugh.
So maybe it wasn’t an “evening gown” in the formal sense, so much as “a dress for hanging out in in the evening?”
Unfortunately, sometimes the pushback is really, really bad. In 1930, Berlin was probably the most LGBT- friendly city in the world, and had been for years.
Yep, any surgery carried with it a very high likelihood of death in those days, because of a lack of both anesthetic and antiseptic practices, and it was horrifically agonizing. People usually only consented to surgery if the alternative was certain death or possibly a lifetime of agony. Even then, sometimes, they…
I think that’s where museums can play a good role. Put everything in context. “Here’s this guy, he discovered these important medical breakthroughs, but he did it in this way that was really reprehensible”.
Did you ever try making up your own Game Genie codes? I never found anything useful, I don’t think, just comical weird game-breaking errors, but I used to waste some time doing that.
Yeah, it was one of my favorite games as a kid, I think largely because it was the only game we had where you could actually play as a girl. I’d always give Link or Ness or whoever my name anyway, leading to dialouge like “you’re such a nice young man, [my girl’s name]”, but Super Mario 2 let you actually play as a…
Not too surprising. I’ve known a few au pairs, and they seemed to have some very... mixed experiences. Some good and what being an au pair is “supposed” to be (a few hours a day of childcare in exchange for getting to see the world, become fluent in English, take college classes etc), and others.... not so much. One…
I’m not sure where the line should be drawn, but if someone has the mental capacity of a toddler, there’s no way they could have a consensual sexual encounter. I’d think the tricky part comes with folks who have more moderate intellectual disabilities, where they could understand and desire sex, and communicate…
You answered “where all the horrified [aka decent] men were” with
The relationship between feminism and sex work is..... .complicated, for sure.
Plenty of shy, reserved guys are weirdo assholes who treat women like shit, too. This idea that shy guys are all “nice guys” who are hidden gems, and all handsome confident guys are assholes, is a stupid myth made up by shy guys who resent everyone around them for the fact that they’re not getting laid.
There’s a huge amount of sex trafficking going on in the US, too, unfortunately.
Yeah, the cartilage peircings I got done at Claire’s as a teen in ‘01/’02-ish got infected so often that I gave up on them after a few years. One of them still hurts and oozes... something?? now and then.
Yeah, the cartilage piercing I got there in like.... 2001, 2o02? When I was in high school anyway. Was awful. Still is awful. I haven’t worn an earring in it in probably 10 years, and it still randomly hurts and starts oozing stuff maybe every 6 months or so. A lobe piercing, honestly, probably no big deal, but…
My cat runs down the steps to greet me when I get home from work (admittedly, some of that may be because I feed him dinner right away... ;) ), is constantly underfoot, and is always bothering me to play. His idea of “play” tends to involve a lot of play-fighting and pouncing on my feet and hands, lol, but he’s…