
I heard a thing on NPR a while back about how the KKK supported the women’s suffrage movement - because they wanted more white voters, of course (and I guess they already had a pretty good handle on the whole voter suppression thing). Strange bedfellows.

The peaceful protesters were backed up by the militants, leaving the powerful with two choices - work with the peaceful protesters, or deal with years of violence in the street and newspaper photos of cops shooting down women & young boys. The only example I can think of that didn’t rely significantly on militants was

The right is in a bizarre place right now. A few weeks back, I was out at a bar that had Fox on, and saw Laura Ingram and Tucker Carlson trash-talk federal & local law enforcement for like 20 minutes straight. They’re attacking their own base to protect Trump & the NRA. Very strange.

And you’re much more likely to be shot by a family member than by a stranger anyway. So yes, a homeschool kid is almost certainly in more danger from the gun in their house than a public school kid is from a school shooter.

Ugh that sucks.

I mean, there’s some pretty parks and all. But just the other week, Linganore High in Liberytown was playing basketball against Frederick High and some of the Linganore parents were yelling racial slurs at black Frederick players. There was a fuss and the school apologized and all, but.... ugh.

Yeah, Frederick’s a lot more diverse and liberal (relatively speaking, at least) than it used to be. If you go upcounty near the PA border (Thurmont, Libertytown, etc) there’s still a lotta “good ‘ole boys”, but Frederick and the southern part of the county generally have seen a big shift.

Eh, lots of kids saw Terminator and Robocop. We weren’t allowed to play Mortal Kombat for SNES in my house, but renting Terminator, Robocop? Sure, why not!

That’s a good point, though I think they may have come to similar opinions one way or another - just not as part of a group. But then, being part of a group gives a person more of a sense of validation for their opinions, so it may make them more attached to their bigotry & less likely to change.

Yeah, he’s definitely more realistic and believable than most supervillains. He’s an extremist and probably a psychopath, but his motivations are understandable.

Women, like men, have a few basic things they’re attracted to:

“Back in the day” (before the Steve Jobs etc era), computer programmers were actually mostly women, so your instructors may have been a holdover from that time.

For decades, it was established fact that computer programming was “woman’s work”. Then men got into it, and now it’s a male-dominated field. Biological sciences used to be a male-dominated field, and now most graduates are women. There’s nothing inherently gender-based about any particular field of study - that stuff

I don’t know about “expand”, but certainly organize. People that in the past were isolated bigots that mostly kept their trash opinions to themselves are now able to meet likeminded assholes and organize events, groups, harassment campaigns, etc.

Yep, and my understanding is that it’s not so much affective empathy (feeling someone else’s emotions) that autistic people struggle with, as cognitive empathy (intuiting someone else’s perspective). So autistic people feel sad when they know someone else is hurt, but may struggle with how to console them effectively.

I’ve seen them at the grocery store, near the hot cocoa mix.

Yeast infection city, yikes.

Eh, there were cases of outsiders being taken in Japan, too, even if it was usual. For an especially pertinent example, there was a notable case of an African man that became a samurai.

That doesn’t mean a business is required to accept their patronage. His brain injury might absolve him of criminal liability, but the theater could still have asked him to leave.

Honestly, I’d be shocked if every movie theater chain doesn’t have exactly the same problem. “The customer is always right” frequently translates to “the customer can sexually harass & touch the staff without consequence”. I’m glad this is coming to light, though, and hopefully the result will be that they find a way