
I think it was nine. Which doesn’t mean they’ll make nine movies with him in them, it just means if they do, he has to be in them.

You answered “where all the horrified [aka decent] men were” with

If this is real, it’s probably some kind of spy craft from another country, and the govt probably doesn’t want to freak everyone out by letting them know that random Russian, Chinese etc spy drones are flying around taking pictures in your window or whatever.

The relationship between feminism and sex work is..... .complicated, for sure.

Plenty of shy, reserved guys are weirdo assholes who treat women like shit, too. This idea that shy guys are all “nice guys” who are hidden gems, and all handsome confident guys are assholes, is a stupid myth made up by shy guys who resent everyone around them for the fact that they’re not getting laid.

There’s a huge amount of sex trafficking going on in the US, too, unfortunately.

Yeah, the cartilage peircings I got done at Claire’s as a teen in ‘01/’02-ish got infected so often that I gave up on them after a few years. One of them still hurts and oozes... something?? now and then.

Yeah, the cartilage piercing I got there in like.... 2001, 2o02? When I was in high school anyway. Was awful. Still is awful. I haven’t worn an earring in it in probably 10 years, and it still randomly hurts and starts oozing stuff maybe every 6 months or so. A lobe piercing, honestly, probably no big deal, but

My cat runs down the steps to greet me when I get home from work (admittedly, some of that may be because I feed him dinner right away... ;) ), is constantly underfoot, and is always bothering me to play. His idea of “play” tends to involve a lot of play-fighting and pouncing on my feet and hands, lol, but he’s

The exploration of the alien races was one of the really good things about DS9, yeah. As much as Trek tried to be about diversity,alien species were generally presented as one-dimensional groups whose traits can be summed up in one sentence. Vulcans are logical scientists, Ferengi are greedy merchants, Klingons are

That’s a good point. Asking “can the Jabari tribe of Wakanda really culturally appropriate from India?” is absurd, because Wakanda and the Jabari aren’t real. The line was written by, probably, an American writer (I’m not actually sure who the screenwriters were) for a movie made by an American company.

The Hindus that are apparently complaining may have felt that the use of their god’s name was done in a flippant way, since it’s kind of a throw-away line and the characters don’t appear to actually be Hindus in the movie. The article probably could have gone into that a little more, though.

It’s difficult to get to his size/condition without juicing. You can build a lot of muscle with soy, legume, dairy, and egg proteins and exercise, though. You’ll just fart more than the guys who get there by eating cans of tuna. ;)

I heard a thing on NPR a while back about how the KKK supported the women’s suffrage movement - because they wanted more white voters, of course (and I guess they already had a pretty good handle on the whole voter suppression thing). Strange bedfellows.

The peaceful protesters were backed up by the militants, leaving the powerful with two choices - work with the peaceful protesters, or deal with years of violence in the street and newspaper photos of cops shooting down women & young boys. The only example I can think of that didn’t rely significantly on militants was

The right is in a bizarre place right now. A few weeks back, I was out at a bar that had Fox on, and saw Laura Ingram and Tucker Carlson trash-talk federal & local law enforcement for like 20 minutes straight. They’re attacking their own base to protect Trump & the NRA. Very strange.

And you’re much more likely to be shot by a family member than by a stranger anyway. So yes, a homeschool kid is almost certainly in more danger from the gun in their house than a public school kid is from a school shooter.

Ugh that sucks.

I mean, there’s some pretty parks and all. But just the other week, Linganore High in Liberytown was playing basketball against Frederick High and some of the Linganore parents were yelling racial slurs at black Frederick players. There was a fuss and the school apologized and all, but.... ugh.

Yeah, Frederick’s a lot more diverse and liberal (relatively speaking, at least) than it used to be. If you go upcounty near the PA border (Thurmont, Libertytown, etc) there’s still a lotta “good ‘ole boys”, but Frederick and the southern part of the county generally have seen a big shift.