
I agree about Spidey not really being Young Avengers, but in the MCU, he’s so much younger than the regular Avengers right now that he doesn’t quite fit with them either. And he’s a popular enough hero that I think he could kind of be the leading man, face of the franchise thing for YA, like Tony Stark was initially

I think, honestly, some of that stuff is better left to the comics - I think it’d take up most of the movie just to set up Billy & Tommy existing through that kind of premise, and having it turn out that Vision is dead and Wanda had some mental break with reality would be pretty depressing IMO (like in the comics). I

*Definitely* Stature at some point, since Cassie is already in the MCU, though she’s a bit younger than them (but I guess they could recast her older in a few years). Wiccan wouldn’t be too difficult a premise - just simplify it to “Wanda was a teen mom who gave her kid up for adoption”. I think Shuri could take the

Yeah, BuckyCap is more logical from a powers perspective, but I feel like a skilled screenwriter could find a way to make it really inspiring that Sam could be Cap despite not being powered. Maybe they could give him some doohickey that helps him throw and catch the shield - some Wakandan tech, maybe, like the kinetic

That’s true, he’s not really a famous superhero. But is Spider-Man, outside of his neighborhood?

Ant-Man, I think.

Well, there are billionaires in developing countries in real life - they accumulate their nation’s wealth in their personal bank accounts instead of building reliable electrical grids and subways and stuff. It’s possible that Ross thought that the Wakandan royal family were very wealthy and had a super-suit made as a

I want Spidey to be the front of a Young Avengers-type franchise. With Shuri as the brains & money of the operation, of course....

I love the idea of BuckyCap, but honestly I think Anthony Mackie would do a better job leading the franchise, I think he has more dimension and humor in his acting. Sebastian Stan is good at playing sexy brooding broken supporting guys, but I think if they did BuckyCap, they’d need a whole healing and redemption arc

Eh, lots of kids saw Terminator and Robocop. We weren’t allowed to play Mortal Kombat for SNES in my house, but renting Terminator, Robocop? Sure, why not!

That’s a good point, though I think they may have come to similar opinions one way or another - just not as part of a group. But then, being part of a group gives a person more of a sense of validation for their opinions, so it may make them more attached to their bigotry & less likely to change.

Sorry! But it’s a very minor thing, it won’t spoil the movie at all.

DC is heavily built out underground (at least partly because city law limits how tall buildings can be), criss-crossed with Metro tunnels, deep basements, utility pipes, sewers, secret “black wire” communication cables between government buildings, etc. How the hell he plans on building this under the city is a

I think she’s gotta be on the Young Avengers, when they do that, because they should, and be the tech genius Iron Man type character for them.

Which is already taken, apparently, if you saw the post-credit scene. :)

Yeah, he’s definitely more realistic and believable than most supervillains. He’s an extremist and probably a psychopath, but his motivations are understandable.

Women, like men, have a few basic things they’re attracted to:

“Back in the day” (before the Steve Jobs etc era), computer programmers were actually mostly women, so your instructors may have been a holdover from that time.

For decades, it was established fact that computer programming was “woman’s work”. Then men got into it, and now it’s a male-dominated field. Biological sciences used to be a male-dominated field, and now most graduates are women. There’s nothing inherently gender-based about any particular field of study - that stuff

I don’t know about “expand”, but certainly organize. People that in the past were isolated bigots that mostly kept their trash opinions to themselves are now able to meet likeminded assholes and organize events, groups, harassment campaigns, etc.