
Yep, and my understanding is that it’s not so much affective empathy (feeling someone else’s emotions) that autistic people struggle with, as cognitive empathy (intuiting someone else’s perspective). So autistic people feel sad when they know someone else is hurt, but may struggle with how to console them effectively.

I’ve seen them at the grocery store, near the hot cocoa mix.

Shouldn’t they have gotten over their rivalry by now? I mean really, c’mon.

Man, I’d completely and utterly forgotten about that. I think those were the first tie-in novels I ever read.

I pretty much stopped playing by ‘98, and while there were novels, and there was a kind of general concept behind the expansions, and the cards themselves had little bits of backstory on them, it wasn’t narratively-driven in the early days. Reading that stuff was like reading the random books you find sitting around

Yeast infection city, yikes.

Eh, there were cases of outsiders being taken in Japan, too, even if it was usual. For an especially pertinent example, there was a notable case of an African man that became a samurai.

That doesn’t mean a business is required to accept their patronage. His brain injury might absolve him of criminal liability, but the theater could still have asked him to leave.

Honestly, I’d be shocked if every movie theater chain doesn’t have exactly the same problem. “The customer is always right” frequently translates to “the customer can sexually harass & touch the staff without consequence”. I’m glad this is coming to light, though, and hopefully the result will be that they find a way

Did you make the same complaints about Thor?

In the comics, IIRC there was one that tried to address this by saying that, basically, secrecy & isolation was how they’d protected themselves from invasion by colonial powers. Which really wasn’t that long-ago a threat- a big part of Africa was still occupied territory when the character debuted.

IIRC, the EU thing was that the Kessel Run involved navigating around a black hole, and that it took crazy dangerous flying to get close enought to the event horizon to do the trip in only 12 parsecs.

I mean, flying Spirit will make anyone want to blow up the plane. But the harassment of the flight attendant was total uncalled for.

Eh, unfortunately plenty of POCs are bigoted towards other minority groups.

Yeah, almost certainly this. She’s probably not subtle about her own lack of respect for black women, resulting in them not respecting her back. Poor leadership.


Really? The real life reactions to Wonder Woman I heard, saw, experienced were pretty much all pretty positive. The end battle was cheesy as all hell, but otherwise imo it was one of the best superhero movies ever.

I’m surprised that it’s not either being squatted in, or been destroyed by people cutting pieces off to sell to the scrapyard.

I think that ethno-nationalist types have never been able to let go of that idea that your identity and nationality come from your bloodline - that is, their idea that you have to be white to “really” be American.

Yep, birthright citizenship is a central part of America, and has been since we instituted it by passing the 14th amendment. But white ethno-nationalists are still angry about that, and the GOP has embraced them, so now the GOP is iffy on birthright citizenship. SMH.