
Its definitely a cardboard tube, like you mail a poster in.

I’m on a couple Facebook groups for martial arts teachers, and I see hilariously bad stuff in this vein every week. Usually some obese middle-aged white guy working as a front end supervisor at AutoZone, who dresses up like an A-Team villain to teach “the secret ninja arts” in his garage on the weekend. The guy, of

Before I quit (money/time/the whole premise of Civil War II & then Secret Empire wanted to make me rip my eyeballs out/etc), I was reading, let’s see...... Captain Marvel (well, until they made her a colossal asshole in CWII), Ms Marvel, Hellcat, Black Panther, Black Panther: World of Wakanda, Squirrel Girl,

Aaaaaaaand there goes my feeling of “oh, that stupid event is done, and my financial situation is improving, maybe I should get back into Marvel...”. Blah.

Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Pedophilia is sexual attraction to children; child molestation refers to actively engaging the activity. Not all pedophiles actually molest children, and apparently not all child molesters are “true” pedophiles (that is, apparently for some it’s a crime of convenience, rather than their

If you’re immortal, *why on earth* would you want to spend eternity looking like a child? Nobody would listen to you, hire you, or serve you alcohol, and nobody who’s not a sicko would fuck you.

Not a “thought crime”, a psychiatric diagnosis. Pedophilia literally means a sexual attraction to children. That doesn’t require a person to be an active child molester, though obviously there’s a big overlap there.

He’s wearing the harness for the shield, so I’m guessing he threw it and lost it. Or maybe the aliens broke it? That’d be one way to demonstrate that these are serious baddies.

Lots of people have access to dial-up or satellite ISPs, but calling those viable competitors to cable internet is pretty laughable.

And how, pray tell, do we “vote with our wallets” when there’s little to no competition? If Comcast starts acting unethically (I mean, beyond the random weird charges they already try to stick on my bill), the only way I can vote with my wallet is to give up having high-speed internet.

I think the public are more receptive to “you have a choice, but you risk a civil penalty of X” than to “you have no choice”. The latter raises people’s hackles. I think that allowing outbreak victims (or their insurance, hospital, etc -whoever paid the bills) to sue the non-vaccinating parents who enabled the

Not everyone can be vaccinated. There’s a minimum age, so babies are very vulnerable, and a small percentage of folks are allergic to the vaccine or have an immune system problem that mean they can’t be vaccinated. Plus, from what I understand, in some people, the effect of the vaccine isn’t 100% or fades over time.

If they’re “allergic to everything”, they might not be able to be vaccinated, for medical reasons. A small percentage of people are allergic to vaccine ingredients, or are immuno-compromised and even getting vaccinated could harm them. They’re the ones we protect with herd immunity.

It is free, if you have insurance. That’s required by the ACA. No copay or deductible.

I think that if anti-vaxxer parents had to sign a contract obligating them to, say, pay $1 million to the county hospital in case of an outbreak, they’d be much less likely to refuse the vaccination.

That’s true. They’d need to be in a quarantined community somewhere. The moment there’s a single sign of sickness, the whole community gets locked down, nobody in or out.

I think anyone who chooses to not vaccinate their kids should be required to pay the medical bills of anyone their kid infects, and their pediatrician should be required to explain to them that this choice could cost them millions of dollars and do they realllllllly want to do that?

I think we must, at least, not dismiss victims. Believing victims doesn’t mean that we must reflexively assume that 100% of allegations are 100% true, but it does means that we must be open to them being true and can’t go “well, George always seems like a great guy, no way he did that”.

I think She-Hulk would work better as a show, basically a comedy legal procedural with her taking on a new case every week.

Omg what. That’s awesome.