
I doubt we’ll see Bucky & Natasha together in the MCU, just because that would require them to drop the queerbaiting stuff with him & Cap that strings so many fangirls along.

Yeah, if there was a little more substance to it, and it came with the wig, I’d go for that. Not that I dress up for Halloween anymore, but if I were going to.

I doubt it, since pirates weren’t/aren’t part of any particular culture or ethnicity. They came from all over.

Maybe he was trying to discourage other factions in the Empire from attempting a coup against him & Vader?

Agreed, I’ve thought for a while that would be a great way to do Thunderbolts, though I hadn’t gotten farther than Ross (MCU could even have the team be named after him, lol) and Zemo. I do like your idea of Hammer signing up as a knock-off Iron Man.

I think many of us would just like to imagine it started in 1989. ;)

Voyager came out in 1995. Most people didn’t use the internet or have e-mail. If you had a computer, and you got an encyclopedia for it, it came on a CD.

Yikes. They’d rather abandon education than to learn about history or to think critically. Not the first authoritarian regime to be opposed to education, either. That sometimes ends with reeducation camps.

I read that Russia recently made “insulting the church” a jailable criminal offense.

Narratively/thematically it makes more sense to do Bucky-Cap. Though this all, of course, assumes a death that’s still speculation.

Yeah, I agree with that. If they do it, it’ll probably be good. Personally I think Mackie would probably do a better job as a lead role, even if it makes more sense for Bucky to be Cap at this point.

I got the value there from a govt study showing there’s a estimated X acres of land in the US, worth an estimated total of $Y. Of course, the value of any specific 40 acres would vary enormously based on location and use. 

I dunno about Spidey, but yeah, I think if they’re going to kill someone it’ll probably be Tony Stark. RDJ seems very on and off about continuing in the role. Plus, while aging isn’t what it used to be, blah blah blah... he’ll be like 56, 57 by the time they could make an Iron Man 4. There’s a point where it

Honestly, while I love the whole Bucky-Cap thing, the redemptive arc and all that... I don’t think Sebastian Stan can carry the role. Don’t get me wrong, he’s excellent at playing brooding sexy bad-boys & was a great choice for this role. But I think that’s about all he’s got in his range. He was the least memorable

Even more depressing: that a large number of white people in this country are offended and angered by the call of “don’t shoot people”.

Or, instead of fussing with all that, we could just use an equation like this:

Hah, that’s true. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for Spicer, even if he did make his own bed working for Trump, because he was clearly overwhelmed by the crazy. This guy is just a giant POS who loves the crazy. Which should be either hilarious, terrifying, or both.

a) agree, b) ehhhh, it’s a galaxy ruled by (or about to be, or recovering from having been ruled by) Space Nazis. I’d call that dystopia.

They really really didn’t need an intro story for Spider Man, and Black Panther’s origin is pretty straightforward. Carol, though, I dunno. Maybe they can find a way to make hers straightforward too. But I’m not sure we’ll see her with powers in Infinity War part 1 or whatever they’re calling it now. Maybe she’ll be a

Yessss how is Bucky doing. I just knew he’d be back, but good to hear. Also if we see the original Nomad outfit I will laugh my ass off. I don’t think even Chris Evans could make that look good.