
Also, if they die, they don’t think that will affect their family?

Yeah, if you have over 50 full time employees (or however many more part timers to get to 50 FTE), I think you’re more in “medium business” territory, and definitely should have (or be able to get) the HR experience, cashflow, etc to handle offering a benefits package.

Also, if he goes back to school and stops working full time, where will he get insurance?

Didn’t they pass a bill this year allowing your employer to require you to get genetic testing to get insurance through them?

Supply and demand plays a role. Far more men then women are actively seeking out nonmonogamous relationships.

Yeah, for real, her whole shtick is that her hair is prehensile and insanely long and voluminous. It should be flying up all over the place in the promo pick. To go with other Disney properties, she should look like a cross between Rapunzel and Merida, not like a humanoid space alien from a 70s TV show.

That’s neither braids nor dreads, though, it’s snakes like in mythology.

Here’s the rub. If the only people buying coverage for asthma are folks with asthma (or pregnancy etc), there’s no distribution of risk. So your costs will be higher.

Were you buying health insurance before the ACA went into effect? If so, you know that what you’re saying is false.

Yup, the free market concept breaks down when you’re dealing with a demand curve that’s almost completely inelastic. (That is, when an increase in price doesn’t cause any decrease in demand, because consumers need the product or service to live and consider “being alive” to be worth infinity dollars.)

If you’d read up, you’d know the answer. If the only folks buying the maternity rider are pregnant women, then there’s no distribution of risk or cost.

 Sure, it’ll be more affordable on the front end - because it doesn’t pay anything when you need it. If your car insurance costs $10/mo but doesn’t cover any damage over $50, what the fuck good is it? For most people, the old “affordable” plans were like that.

It’s about making insurance more affordable to healthy single childless men in their 20/30s, and less affordable for everyone else in society, including the parents they probably will become and the sick old people they definitely will become.

Right, do they really think they’ll just be young and healthy forever? What’s next - let’s end Social security taxes, because young healthy people don’t need it?

Racism doesn’t require a person to be a Neo-Nazi that jerks off thinking about murdering minorities.

Why the ketchup, though? At that quantity, you’d get better flavor for less money by using pureed canned tomato.

That’s not really shameful though......

When I was a kid I would slice little pieces of velveeta and eat them on saltines. Which was not remotely the weirdest thing I liked as a kid.

Not even first class, just better vs worse economy flights. Upgrading to first class on a transpacific flight is like $5000.

I think a lot of Americans only take short domestic flights that cost like $250, so a few hundred bucks means increasing your ticket price by 100% for the sake of nicer flight attendant and amenities. But if you’re taking a flight from NYC to Seoul, that same increase is, of course, only like a 10-20% increase in