
Unfortunately a lot of folks in retail/food service/similar try to save money & boost short-term profit margins by cutting payroll down to the bone. Companies will do things like provide strict weekly limits on the number of payroll hours the store is allowed, and the manager will get penalized if they go over and

Certainly not as anything more than a rare treat, anyway. They’re basically coffee milkshakes. Or not even coffee, apparently, in this case.

As a business owner, I know that, if I advertise a special promotion, I need to have an adequate plan, resources and staffing to support that promotion. If you say “buy this special thing now!” and then you don’t have enough of the special thing, or you can’t serve your customers in a timely manner, then you’re going

It sounds like what they’re upset about is more that apparently the company didn’t provide the necessary resources to support the promotion, putting the front-line employees in an impossible position. That’s guaranteed to cause stress and failure, regardless of what industry you’re in.

Probably because it was such a critical flop that nobody cared about it after a week. I did ssee some headlines along the lines of “maybe they could have made a good series if they had blah blah blah” but hashing out why something sucks is less interesting than talking about something you mostly like but wish could

Yeah, there’s no way this is an adaptation. Honestly I’m surprised Ayo is even in this movie.

Africa is not one country. It’s a very diverse continent. In certain African countries, you can be sentenced to long prison sentences or even death for being gay, which is horrific. On the other hand, South Africa was one of the first countries in the world to legalize gay marriage, doing so long before the US did.

Funny part is, I think the awkward kiss in Civil War was only shoehorned in there in an attempt to counterbalance all the “wink-wink” queerbaiting they were doing in that movie. The entire MCU Cap franchise so far has centered around his epic star-crossed bromance with Bucky. But here’s a quick kiss with a chick, so

 Right, I think it’s very doubtful that this movie will be a faithful adaptation of a comic book storyline that was still in progress when the movie began filming. I think that they’ll probably borrow some elements from the first few issues, for worldbuilding purposes and such, but this is not going to be a direct

I dunno, they just did a test run of having an openly gay supporting character w Beauty & the Beast, and that’s make literally a billion dollars in the last month and played in many much more conservative markets than the US. Granted, a reboot of one of Disney’s most popular and successful movies is much more of a

I think, in all fairness, we should remember that these characters were invented *last year*. When World of Wakanda #1 came out, the main cast had been announced and the movie was in preproduction.

We’re still their biggest trade partner, but it looks like that means we buy 18% of their exports - and they buy 8% of ours. So both of us have skin in the game. And losing some of that 18% would hurt them, but if they’re successful in forming the Asia-Pacific free trade deal they’re pursuing with the countries (other

That’s a good point, I looked at the Gallup figures for Obama at the start of April 2009 vs Trump’s latest, and Obama’s approval was 90% (D), 60% (I), 27% (R). Trump’s is: 87% (R), 34% (I), and 6% (D) - and Trump got a big bump up from the prior week.

I saw that too. I think a lot of his supporters genuinely think that 100% of Mexicans are dirt poor and desperate to come to the US to pick strawberries. They can’t grasp that lots of Mexicans are middle-class and have the money to go on vacation in the US. (Maybe they’ve never met foreign tourists? Clearly they’ve

I think there are a lot of Americans who really don’t understand just how much we depend on other countries, and how much development has occurred in the rest of the world. They have no idea how much of an economic powerhouse China is. They have no idea how much of the growth in consumer goods, finance etc is

I suspect what will also happen, and help, is that some of the folks who don’t normally vote, but turned out for Trump because they wanted to “send a message” or whatever, will be demoralized and not bother voting again. They came out to elect some racist populist asshat who promised them the moon, and it turned out

Eh, these aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. The folks who voted for him aren’t a single monolithic group. Some of his base will support him no matter what, but others who voted for him are falling away.

Drones seem like they’d be an expensive alternative to just having automated speeding cameras..... but I guess they’d keep drivers on their toes everywhere since they can fly anywhere, while speeding cameras are stationary so if you’re familiar with the area you know where you can speed and where you can’t.

I wonder the same thing every time I see the anti abortion crowd propose this - this seems like it would make abortion an easier decision, not a harder one.