
It’s also possible that she was getting harassed & so forth for the same reasons, and that led to her becoming depressed and committing suicide. Being the first in her field is probably lonely, too.

I think he just mispronounced Assad’s name.

I feel guilty that this made me laugh.

 Spicer’s only “qualification” is that he’ll lick Trump’s boots. Loyalty is all this administration cares about - competence is an afterthought.

He who controls the present controls the past and all that. Did anyone ever tell these guys that 1984 is not a guide to governance?

Most people don’t understand just how complex the situation is and how many groups are involved. I try to stay informed about the world, and there’s still a lot I don’t know about it. “Assad the secular dictator fighting the evil jihadi ISIS” is a simple narrative that’s a lot easier to digest than reality.

Racist white guys have always had this weird fear that white women might prefer a black man over them.

I think a lot of liberals and moderates are deeply conflicted on the strike, because they want some kind of humanitarian intervention in Syria and are glad that Assad got some of his stuff blown up, even if Trump went about it in an impulsive, irresponsible and ill-thought out manner.

What I meant was more like, “I don’t know what her town is like”. These things can be very local, and unemployment #s don’t tell the whole story - if a union mill was replaced by an Amazon warehouse, you may have the same # of people employed but they’re earning half the pay. In that case, those townspeople are going

Eh, there are dumb people who are not particularly racist.

 The amount of “I got mine, now fuck you” among conservatives is amazing. They get a hand up and then want to stomp on the head of everyone below them, because they think that they and they alone deserved that hand up.

I don’t know where this lady lives, but there are parts of the US that have experienced genuine stagnation or decline over the last few decades, despite the nation’s overall economic growth & recovery. Whatever was driving the economy where they lived has dried up, and they haven’t been able to adapt to changing

Man, and I was gonna get my wedding dress from them. Boo. The whole appeal of their company is that you can see photos of how the clothes look on regular people of different shapes & sizes.

“The Defendants constantly staged Plaintiff in artificial situations and demanded Plaintiff to engage in conflicts that were often fraudulent and deceptive.”

Yeah, if we fight hard and the Republicans look bad and/or are complacent, a win is *possible*. Maybe not easy, or likely, but it can happen.

 Sure, but if you don’t start pushing up the hill, you will be at the bottom forever.

According to this article, they need 34 and have 10.

I think they mean that if you travel to Pakistan to join a terrorist training camp or go to Thailand to take drugs and do sex tourism, you will have a higher likelihood of dying than if you go to a Mexican beach resort on a senior group tour.

I’d imagine that these days, with Marvel comics basically being an IP farm for Disney, the thin profit margin issue would be less of a big deal? The big bucks for them aren’t in selling comics, it’s selling movie tickets & TV shows & toys.

They don’t have zero motivation to create new characters. But if they have a really awesome idea for a new character and story, and have to choose between 1. keeping the rights to the character (retaining creative control & possibly making big $$) or 2. giving the rights away to Marvel? If they have the name