
Probably also because textured soy protein is really cheap, since it’s a byproduct of making soybean oil.

It says 18g protein for the whole bag, and 18g of fat/sugar per serving x 3 = 54g fat/sugar per bag. So it’d be a 3:1:3 ratio.

It’s complete unwillingness to take personal responsibility for what they say and do, and it’s shameful and childish.

Which reminds me, this whole idea that, what, Hillary Clinton could secretly build a network of tunnels under DC to commit human trafficking? Beyond just “why??????”, logistically that’s just absurd. DC is all built out underneath, or totally swampy. They can’t even build a Metro line to Georgetown.

It’d help you now, but when you got older you’d be worse off because of it allowing them to charge seniors so much more.

Well, you can’t take shit away from *your voters* who need it, at least. The GOP is veryh appy to take stuff away from people who don’t vote for them anyway.

A number of countries are doing limited trials of UBI (giving it to a few thousand people for a year or something like that) to see what happens.

Yeah, the autonomous trucks may be available in 5 years, but they won’t instantly replace existing fleets.

His son might not know.

I don’t think any of these clowns actually knew what the DoE did before they got into office. Rick Perry said as much - he thought he’d been appointed to be Secretary of Getting Other Countries to Buy our Fossil Fuels, basically, and some folks from the DoE had to sit him down and explain that no, that’s not the kind

But also because if they went far enough to please the Freedom Caucus they would have lost (were already losing) the most moderate republicans. They needed to please both to get enough votes, and on this issue, that’s become impossible.

It’s not. Either he’s wrong or he goes to some really crappy sushi places. If they’re actually not making the rice properly, I wouldn’t trust that they’re handling the fish properly either.

I was always told that you should let food cool off before you put it in the fridge, that if you put hot food in the fridge it goes bad more quickly. Is that just an old-wives tale?

I think the better way to think about it is that the relationship is the boss.

Hah. I’ve definitely thought many times that if things don’t work out with Mr. notfromvenus, I’m only dating women in the future.

Are you secretly me? My mom is happier as a widow with a career than she ever was as a married SAHM. We get on much better now, too.

Two things, I think. I know some parents who go pick their kid up from school in order to take them to after-school activities in a timely manner. And while this varies from school to school, in many areas, kids aren’t eligible for bus pickup unless they live some distance from the school. Some parents aren’t

AGH the laundry thing. I’m glad we don’t have cats. Because his idea of doing the laundry is to wash it, and then dump it in a pile on the loveseat that we don’t actually use unless we have guests so he can “fold it and put it away later”. Which usually is never. So half my clothes are perpetually just in a pile on

I think, for most “decent guys”, it’s not that they think “I’m unwilling to go 50/50" - it’s that seem to not proactively notice or track what needs to get done. My partner is a decent guy, and he’s willing to do housework, but he literally will not even notice that his assigned tasks need doing until either I say

It plays well to his base, who imagine that undocumented immigrants are all Mexican guys who swim across the Rio Grande carrying bales of drugs on their back.