
I think anyone who believes Trump is a successful businessman doesn’t understand how business works.

A lot of fascists and nationalist type regimes really idealized agriculture and having the nation be self-sufficient, so it’s not surprising that the Nazis would feel this way. The US actually exports a lot of food, so I don’t think that’s a big issue here - I think the new version of this issue is not agriculture

I wonder how they defined that? Because an awful lot of plants we eat are originally from central Asia, the middle east, the Americas, etc.

I guess that depends on whether the governments of Iran and Guatemala in the 50s and Nicaragua in the 80s were holding genuinely free and fair elections or not. But they were, at least on paper, democratically-elected governments. And the Sandanistas ended up losing power in Nicaragua due to losing an election

Re: clean energy bill, I think that if the estimates are right and the clean energy bill only raises people’s electric bill by like $0.50-1/mo, while also creating new jobs, his veto will make him look bad. If it doesn’t turn out that way, though, it won’t hurt him.

I’m a fan of them running MoCo exec Ike Leggett, if he wants to do it (he’s getting on in years, so he might want to just retire). MoCo has a lot of great schools (and AFAIK no charters), so he could run on prioritizing public education.

Hogan hasn’t openly supported Trump terribly much, but also hasn’t opposed anything Trump’s done or said.

The grassroots organizing stuff still seems to be in early days, but if you haven’t, check out Indivisible.

Yeah, I think Trump is completely indifferent to issues related to women and gay people. Which means he won’t go out of his way to be oppressive on those fronts - unless he thinks it’ll make him rich or make people like him. Then he’ll do whatever.

Fortunately, Black Panther will break that mold.... by being about a rich black guy returning from a trip to resolve daddy issues and take back the country. ;)

Oh man, that’s what it made me think of, yeah. Only, yeah, not quite as good.

I hated Majora’s Mask because of the time element. I never even finished it, it was so irritating. One of the things I always really liked about the earlier games was exploring and trying to find ways to get into places before the story took you there, and in Majora’s Mask you were rushing around barely able to even

Link to the Past was the first game that little me beat all by myself without having to use Game Genie (lol), and is still one of my most favorite video games of all time. I actually still have that original copy along with my SNES, though I haven’t played it on there is years.

Yeah, a big part definitely has been that Frederick County has spent years turning itself into an exurb of DC and getting ex-MoCo folks like myself to move up here. (I find it pretty funny that the old county council, who were Republicans in the pocket of developers who approved huge housing developments, basically

That would stick it to the Republicans, but unfortunately I don’t think it would help with making immigrants feel comfortable going to the cops when they’re the witness or victim of a crime.

There’s basically a big triangle in Maryland of decent non-asshole areas to live, from a little NE of Baltimore, to DC, to Frederick. (Don’t go north or west of Frederick, though, or really anywhere along the PA border, the descent into “basically West Virginia” is pretty rapid.)

Frederick has also moved left into “purple” territory at this point (though we still have our share of conservative assholes). It’s the “hipster capitol of Maryland” supposedly, and much cheaper than the immediate DC/Baltimore area.

Partly since the DC area would definitely not be on Trump’s side. 😁😁

Even rural Maryland isn’t exactly progressive, though as the exurbs are growing that’s starting to change... pushing the country folk of central MD out to southern PA and the panhandle.