
Yeah, if she’d gotten up there and said, like, “Jeff Sessions is an illiterate Nazi who takes bribes and strangles babies”, then I’d understand using that rule. But this was not that.

I dunno. I think that the last 3 weeks have been a huge wakeup call for a lot of people on left who viewed the perfect as the enemy of the good.

And some of their rhetoric, I think, was based on the assumption that they weren’t going to win the White House. They didn’t think they’d actually need a plan to replace the ACA. And now they have to, but we’ve had the ACA for just long enough that I think people are starting to think of access to health care as

Yeah, they railed against the ACA and made huge promises because they thought Hillary would win. Now they have to actually do it, and there’s no way forward that will fulfill their promises.

I dunno, the Supreme Court is hearing about gerrymandering this year, and there’s been a lot of progressive grassroots action lately. If we can get fairer districts and keep up the work, we could turn things around.

LOL yep. Hezbollah is working with Assad to fight against ISIS in Syria. Here’s a small sampling of the many, many articles on this topic.

I had a friend who was really involved in the Anonymous Iran thing (trying to get the Iranian Green activists uncensored internet), and a couple months before those hikers were arrested, my friend told me that one of the strategies that Anonymous had planned was to have a couple of their members sneak into Iran and

The Art of War is by far the most innocuous reading material on Bannon’s fan list there.

Well, they were involved in Hezbollah bombing a US embassy back in the 80s, and they’ve locked up a few dual citizens and tourists who they claim are spies. But on the whole, yeah, not all that much. They’ve certainly done less against us in that time then our friends the Saudis. Hezbollah is really mostly just

Though, to be fair, Iran’s state-sponsored terrorists are over in Syria..... working with Russia and Assad in the fight against ISIS.

He does, however, also enjoy watersports.

Eating healthy makes you gay?

Even if he does, he’s a big fan of not paying people for their stuff, so I’m sure he thinks it’s a great idea.

Trump *loves* taking other people’s stuff and not paying them for it. Of course he likes civil forfeiture.

Yup. It’s just like how they looooooooove to talk about “state’s rights” until they get into power, and then they immediately trample all over the wishes of every state government.

Hmm. I was basing that comment on Ron Paul’s hypocrisy on the issue, but it looks like Gary Johnson actually is pro-choice. Do you know if that’s a general thing and Paul was just an exception?

Maybe the exiting staff did it on purpose as a prank? There’s kind of a history of that. I.e, Clinton’s staff removed the ‘W’ keys from the keyboards.

Right. If someone really feels abortion is murder, and so they support policies that will reduce the prevalence of abortion - comprehensive sex ed, universal free birth control, increased SNAP/WIC/Section 8 funding, subsidized childcare, etc - I can actually respect that. Especially if they also support “life” in

One of the leaked possible executive orders did that, yeah. Basically, IIRC, it said that any closely held corporation (that refers to one has less than 50 shareholders, so most small-to-medium businesses would qualify) can say they have religious convictions and deny coverage that covers birth control.