
I know they’ve talked about expanding the ability of employers to offer insurance that doesn’t provide coverage at all, and one of the floated executive orders included a provision requiring insurers selling on the private market to offer some plans that don’t cover birth control at all (in addition to ones that do).

So much for their claim they want to reduce abortion.

If you had Lego as a kid, you probably remember there being sets with different themes, like pirates or castles, and they’d give the themes names like “Dragon Masters” or “Space Police” or whatever and change it up every few years.

Don’t be ashamed. There’s no point in feeling shame or guilt about not being aware of this stuff earlier - it doesn’t help anyone and it discourages you. You’re aware now, that’s what matters. Keep being aware, keep caring.

Allegedly, Infowars is working on getting a press pass, so that might happen soon. Smh

I would watch an entire *series* of that, OMG.

Yeah. Unfortunately, most people only want to think about politics for a week or two every 4 years. They do nothing to influence things, and then they complain that the politicians don’t represent their viewpoints and don’t go vote. Unless you have a really fringe viewpoint (say, being a communist and opposing all

I dunno if Russia and Bannon are on the same page there, since Bannon wants war with China, and China and Russia are BFFs who do joint military exercises. I think it’s quite possible that if we go to war with China, Russia will side with them against us. After all, if the US is ruined, we can’t enforce those

Well, pro-choice on everything except for the one thing that “pro-choice” is usually used to refer to.

He’s said before that he thinks we’ll go to China in the next few years. Now he’s in a position to make that happen.

Oh, here’s some more:

In his own words....

Having not watched the show or reading much in the DC universe.... is “Charm City” the DC proxy of Baltimore?

As another person who has a vagina, I know that too. But guys do tend to associate penis size with masculinity, even if it’s a bit silly. It’s absolutely ludicrous that a major party candidate for national office would go on live national television to defend the size of his dick.

This kind of whiplash can’t be good for our long-term international relations, though. If countries don’t know if they can count on us from one year to the next, are they going to stand by us?

I read recently that that’s basically why we have a decent relationship with Vietnam now.

I feel like I’m going to throw up every time I see/hear that. *shudders*

There’s a joke, of sorts, that the size of your hands reflects the size of your dick. Like: “you know what they say about guys with large hands......”, meaning that he has a big dick.


Yeah, seriously, if you’re on the left and don’t like the candidate the Democrats choose, then get involved and work to change the party. Don’t just stay home.