
In the US, we like to pretend that we don’t have a class structure and that everyone has equal opportunity. But in reality, we’ve had a class structure our entire history, and whites who were near the bottom are now realllllllllllly resentful that the brown people, gay people, etc who used to be on a lower rung are

There are definitely quite a few people who’ve been swindled by the “prosperity gospel” and really think this stuff.

Re: Victor - that would be totally nuts, omg. They should totally do that. I guess they’d have to use a different character for the person we’re intended to think is his dad, though.

It would probably have more of an impact on the mindset of voters if they did it in an area that went for Trump, but it would also probably be much, much more dangerous for them.

That’s courageous of these folks, especially when they’re putting a sign in their window saying that that’s why they’re closed. Hopefully this will change some minds and be a positive force, but I can’t help but imagine a lot of smashed windows and threatened shop owners.......

From what I’ve read, she’s been working on the campaign “autopsy”, and working to set up a way to use her establishment ties to do stuff behind the scenes for the Democrats. Bernie is great at motivating grassroots organizing to get regular working people out and marching and stuff, but Hillary has a different

McCain has been pretty outspoken against Trump. He’s in his 80s now and probably doesn’t give a shit about getting reelected anyway, so he can call Trump out all day.

This better get some bipartisan support and pass.

You haven’t even heard of 5 black people, and you ask if you’re racist.....

Maybe try reading the article next time?

Maybe try reading the article next time?


Yeah, I’ve known some Korean immigrants who have Opinions about black people. It’s possible this was an honest mistake, but it’s also very possible that it totally intentional.

Also, they’re high school-age kids who live on their own and fight injustice, which is totally YA market material.

That’s why they’re on Freeform and not in the movies. XD

Huh, I actually don’t know. It was the case before he went into office, but I haven’t checked in the last week.

I’m starting to wonder if they did try to consult some people, who told them it was a terrible plan, and that’s why the administration fired the top management at the State Dept on Wednesday.

It sounds like they didn’t actually consult with anyone or make any kind of plan for how to interpret or implement it, so every agency and consulate is just trying to figure it out on their own without any kind of direction from the White House.

Because this kind of discussion is super productive, right?