
Don’t be ashamed. There’s no point in feeling shame or guilt about not being aware of this stuff earlier - it doesn’t help anyone and it discourages you. You’re aware now, that’s what matters. Keep being aware, keep caring.

Allegedly, Infowars is working on getting a press pass, so that might happen soon. Smh

I would watch an entire *series* of that, OMG.

Yeah. Unfortunately, most people only want to think about politics for a week or two every 4 years. They do nothing to influence things, and then they complain that the politicians don’t represent their viewpoints and don’t go vote. Unless you have a really fringe viewpoint (say, being a communist and opposing all

As another person who has a vagina, I know that too. But guys do tend to associate penis size with masculinity, even if it’s a bit silly. It’s absolutely ludicrous that a major party candidate for national office would go on live national television to defend the size of his dick.

This kind of whiplash can’t be good for our long-term international relations, though. If countries don’t know if they can count on us from one year to the next, are they going to stand by us?

I read recently that that’s basically why we have a decent relationship with Vietnam now.

I feel like I’m going to throw up every time I see/hear that. *shudders*

There’s a joke, of sorts, that the size of your hands reflects the size of your dick. Like: “you know what they say about guys with large hands......”, meaning that he has a big dick.


Yeah, seriously, if you’re on the left and don’t like the candidate the Democrats choose, then get involved and work to change the party. Don’t just stay home.

In the US, we like to pretend that we don’t have a class structure and that everyone has equal opportunity. But in reality, we’ve had a class structure our entire history, and whites who were near the bottom are now realllllllllllly resentful that the brown people, gay people, etc who used to be on a lower rung are

There are definitely quite a few people who’ve been swindled by the “prosperity gospel” and really think this stuff.

It would probably have more of an impact on the mindset of voters if they did it in an area that went for Trump, but it would also probably be much, much more dangerous for them.

That’s courageous of these folks, especially when they’re putting a sign in their window saying that that’s why they’re closed. Hopefully this will change some minds and be a positive force, but I can’t help but imagine a lot of smashed windows and threatened shop owners.......

From what I’ve read, she’s been working on the campaign “autopsy”, and working to set up a way to use her establishment ties to do stuff behind the scenes for the Democrats. Bernie is great at motivating grassroots organizing to get regular working people out and marching and stuff, but Hillary has a different

McCain has been pretty outspoken against Trump. He’s in his 80s now and probably doesn’t give a shit about getting reelected anyway, so he can call Trump out all day.

This better get some bipartisan support and pass.

You haven’t even heard of 5 black people, and you ask if you’re racist.....

Maybe try reading the article next time?