
Not on the street, but I see a lot of women at the gym that are pretty cut.

I hope they do. That level of muscle, or at least close to it, is totally attainable with dedicated weight training and the right diet. She shouldn’t even need to take steroids to get there, like some of their make actors are clearly doing.

WWE is also completely fake. ;)

I think it depends. Skill can compensate for size to an extent, and relative fitness level is also a factor. For example, it’s totally believable to me that superspy/fighting expert Black Widow could take down a totally untrained middle-aged guy with a heart problem.

Some of the clips show the woman doing real grappling moves that men also do (for example, the arm bar in the first clip). Those kind of moves use leverage and the powerful strength of the core, glutes & thighs to hold someone, break their arm or strangle them.

Right, definitely. Was there some bias and some unfair/unequal treatment? Sure. But that’s how the world works, in politics and in business.

Yeah, but the reason he feels like that’s in any way a reasonable thing to say is because of this conservative propaganda that tries to twist the phrase “entitlements program” into meaning “handouts for moochers”. It’s a huge annoyance of mine. Words have power, and the GOP is very good at changing the meanings of

Women are probably less likely to make the mistake out of ignorance, but yeah, it’s easy for anyone to make silly mistakes if you’re in a hurry. I had some mailers printed up a while back for my business, and realized after I got them that I’d put my personal cell phone number on them instead of the company landline.

I felt like it was ambiguous whether he killed the other students or turned them to dark side, but I also haven’t watched it in a year. Either way, yeah, it’s a different dynamic and different narrative.

Right. Wouldn’t want kids to hear that part.....

Yeah, I dunno. Maybe they thought what he got done was okay, but there wasn’t as much change as they’d hoped for?

Fox and such is what made “entitlements program” a bad word. Entitlements, in this sense, means money you’re legally entitled to. Because you paid in and supported the current recipients. It doesn’t mean “money you feel a false sense of entitlement about deserving”.

“Entitlement program” really just means a program/payments you’re legally entitled to, that you deserve, in this case because you’ve earned it by paying in to support the current recipients. Republicans have spent years, decades creating this sense that “entitlement” in this context is a false sense of entitlement.

Because Republicans made “entitlements” - which just means money that you’re legally entitled to - a dirty word in order to demonize these programs.

Try that with any resident of any extremely corrupt third-world nation, about any NGO or foreign aid program, and you’ll get basically the same answer - the army took some, the gangs took some, the middleman took some, the cops took some, and I got this little bit.

Social Security and Medicare are paid for by payroll tax, not general revenue. Listing them as part of the federal budget is dishonest.

They need some reform in order to maintain solvency despite an aging population, but they don’t need to be gutted the way the GOP wants. The problem, as it were, is that the huge Baby Boomer generation is retiring, seniors are living longer, middle-class wages are flat, and rich people don’t have to pay into Social

Right around the election, I heard him say on C-SPAN that he thinks *black people complain too much*, when asked for his thoughts about the recent rise in openly racist rhetoric in this country.

I actually heard a lot of people saying their first choice would be Warren, I think because she ticks a lot of the same populist left outsider boxes that Bernie Sanders does, without having a lot of the..... I don’t want to say flaws, but certainly the things about his personality and identity that would have hurt him

The thing is - the Democrats are, and have been since at least the 1930s, the only people who have ever cared to do anything about the issues you mention. One of the main platforms of the GOP is they want to deregulate the banks. Voting for a Republican if you want to see banks regulated is like voting for Walter