
Right, I think that’s probably the case for a lot of voters - they just wanted to burn things down.

That’s about what I expected.

The keeping kids on healthplans till 26 isn’t something insurance companies want, they like those young, typically healthy people paying full premiums, not just being add ons. I expect that to be cut.

Supposedly, they did the reshoots at least partly because they felt it was too dark/grim and not Star Wars-y enough, so if anything, I’d guess the opposite - that she gets to the control console thing just in time to start the transmission, and then the TIE fighter shoots her and she’s vaporized. (Also, that

“This Land is Your Land”, including the verses that are often omitted.

If I was rich enough to have a private chef, I’d absolutely have them cook me amazing meals every day. He has no fucking taste.

I think more than that, they need to make sure that people blame the Republicans when they’re being hurt.

I think the Republicans will have a hard time hurting Medicare. They’ve wanted to gut both Medicare and Social Security for as long as they’ve existed, and they always fail because old people love both, and old people are reliable voters with a powerful lobby.

I heard an interview of her on NPR recently, and I got the impression that the way she was treated when the sexual harassment stuff came out may have been an eye-opener for her. I think maybe she realized that being “the chill girl” is actually really shitty, that the guy friends you have when you’re that girl aren’t

She’s one of the few people on the right that’s refused to do so, so that seems doubtful. Plus, I heard her say some pretty negative things about the alt-right in a recent interview on NPR (apparently they’ve been harassing and threatening her over her refusal to support Trump).

Thanks for the clarification. Sounds like, basically, the US but with higher national tax and sales tax, and a more complicated way of taxing your home (in the US, only the property owner pays, and it’s a percentage of the estimated market value of the property).

Hopefully the Democrats will start loudly and persistently demanding to know what the Republican plan is and how, exactly,it will cover all 20ish million people who are insured through the ACA. They need to remind people “oh yeah, I get my insurance through that”, and put a human face on it for people who don’t, and

Beyond what others have said, we’re talking about Steve Rogers here.

Is that the typical total amount of tax, or is that in addition to city and state (or province or whatever) tax, property tax etc?

Eh, the far right will be the far right. We can’t and don’t need to win them over. I’m more interested in moderates. They were willing to blame Iraq, the recession, etc on the GOP, at least eventually.

To force Trump and anyone who sides with him to own those reversals.

I really doubt Trump has ever cared about country. Patriotism is a tool to control the masses - the billionaire class doesn’t give a shit about it.

Trump’s fans won’t care, but there are enough Republicans who aren’t big fans that it could hurt Trump.

I took his comment to mean that he thinks computers are inherently insecure and cybersecurity is doomed to fail, so why bother trying to keep Moscow from hacking into our voting machines and nuclear power plants?

SNAP and TANF? Nah, they want to end those too. We need more desperately poor folks to drive wages down and create a new American serfdom.