
That’s a different issue, though - a legal issue, not a food safety one. The Nigerian government could create laws to protect farmers from predatory agribusiness practices, if they’re concerned about that.

I find it a little ironic that the BT bacteria has been used as a safe, organic method of pest control for a very long time, but when you engineer the crops so they produce the BT toxin directly, BT suddenly becomes something scary and unnatural.

Yeah, GMOs are not unsafe to eat. Some agribusiness companies like Monsanto engage in (IMO) exploitative business practices, but if the Nigerian government is concerned about that, they should say that. Claiming that GMO crops are dangerous for consumers to eat is just fear-mongering.

Heroin is all over, unfortunately. It’s a big problem in the DC exurbs, too, despite the economy being quite good here. Though.... the root of the problem is might be similar - decently-paying blue collar industry jobs going away (and also, the cost of living rising). Just, the cause is different.

Well, it’s a restaurant for people who fantasize about having been in the military, and I guess steak and potatoes and beer is their customers’ fantasy of what military men eat.

They say that, but they’re huge hypocrites. You know those same kind of folks are also the ones that go around mocking and condescending to “libruls” for stereotypically not knowing as much about guns, hunting, small motor repair, football, country music, etc.

I really think they didn’t know for sure, which is why they were so skeptical/hesitant about attacking Scarif.

The sky was full of dust and debris and a giant mushroom cloud from everything blowing up. They jumped to hyperspace before they cleared that. So the audience saw the Death Star, but it’s doubtful Cassian etc could see it. And like you say, the Empire was reporting it was a mining accident, not a weapon.

Cassian didn’t see the Death Star. He was in a jail cell when the attack happened, and they jumped to hyperspace before they cleared the debris.

Plus, WB can only make a finite number of movies every year, so for every DC movie they make, there’s some other movie they don’t make, that *might* have made $1 billion. They’ll take that opportunity cost into account as well, when deciding if it was a success or failure.

Right, for sure. The idea that Captain America 3 made 50% *more* money than *Batman vs Superman* is nuts. If WB had done a halfway decent job, they would have cleaned house.

Maybe she had to use it to boost the signal from the tower? It did seem odd that they highlighted so much early on and then did nothing with it.

It would make sense for there to be people who have some level of force ability/sensitive but did not enter the Jedi order for one reason or another (not enough ability, too old, parents didn’t want them going off with strange monk dudes, etc). Just like it makes sense that the Rebel Alliance is an actual alliance of

Yeah, I got the impression he was a bit force-sensitive, but maybe not enough so to have gotten into the Jedi.

The only excuse I can imagine for that is that the person saying that might not have recognized his grooming behavior until after he left their organization. Otherwise, yeah, WTF?

He said that, but I think he was lying.

They reshot some of the later part of the movie because the original was too grim. I’d guess the tower escape was part of that, purely to add a kind of hopeful and romantic bit to the end. (My guess is that Cassian originally died on the climb up and Jyn got shot after sending the transmission.)

Also, how would the rebellion know the Death Star was behind Jedha? All of the survivors were indoors when the attack was made, and escaped in the middle of a cloud of smoke and debris. They never saw the death star. For all Mon Mothma and Jimmy Smits know, it was a giant bomb.

DC is a flight restricted zone (that is, anybody flying over DC will get shot down by the Air Force after repeated warnings). Is that the case in Manhattan?

If Obama lived primarily in Hawaii while being President, and flew back and forth to commute to work, people would have been fucking furious.