
Nah, the voice of Donald Trump from Donald Trump’s head has been telling us this.

Can’t be much worse than Rick Perry.

He probably knows a lot about owing money to the Russian mob. Also, about how to convince everyone you’re a billionaire when you’re not. (See: Tim O’Brian lawsuit, where Trump was unable to prove in court that he was worth more than $250 million.)

Are you suggesting he basically wants to be Kim Jung Il? That’s very chilling.

That’s quite possible. They didn’t even tell me until afterwards that I hadn’t been under general. I guess they didn’t want to freak me out.

Maybe Kamala invents the Ms. Marvel title as a fannish derivative.

There’s one stone left, right? So it’s got to be tied to either her or T’Challa.

Kate McKinnon for Jennifer Walters?

Whoever’s done with their contract and wants to stop doing these superhero movies.

Sebastian Stan is absolutely yummy af, but I dunno, I think excellent actor might be stretching it a bit. He does a great job playing pretty, sad-eyed damaged boys, but I haven’t been convinced by anything else I’ve seen him do.

The “best” association was always the funniest one possible, though.

It’s a simple design, but it has a very clear and distinct aesthetic. One that’s being copied very closely.

I’ve had my hip dislocated in traction to perform surgery on it under the same sedative they’re talking about, and have no memory of it whatsoever. Apparently I was talking and stuff as they wheeled me into the surgery, but my last memory is them hooking up the IV and then it’s all blank after that.

I’m opposed to the death penalty generally, so I think this is good news.

I was curious and looked on Ao3 and a few people already have, lol. (Also, yes, Cassian/Bodhi has some fans.) But Jyn/Cassian surviving in an AU seems the most popular so far, followed by Chirrut and Baze being magic gay force ghosts or whatever.

LOL. So I wonder if Jyn/Cassan or Chirrut/Baze is winning on Tumblr?

The Bothans line was from RotJ.

Sure, blowing up the Death Star didn’t end the Empire, but it meant the Empire couldn’t wreck devastation on a city or planetary scale for many years, so that’s a win.

I suppose it’s more like kidnapping someone and keeping them locked up in your basement for 90 years, but either way, you’ve destroyed their life.

Yeah, it’s a tough one. I think the real issue is the slowness of the system, that there were multiple eyewitnesses and it still took 3.5 years for the case to move from arrest to conviction.