
P.S.: Here’s a relevant article I just saw. TD;LR: his name on the building is a contract-violating benefit, his kids owning the subsidiary company would still be a violation of federal contracting rules, the GSA has the authority to cancel the lease, and worst-case he sues them for lost profits and gets some nominal

The lease was made through a subsidiary company, which he could sell. If he sells it to his kids before he takes office, that *might* be legally permissible. But it does say that a government official can’t “benefit” from the lease, which I’m pretty sure would include making any money off selling it. So if he keeps

Random mutation is the mechanism that creates genes that can be selected for (or against). And natural selection isn’t just about sexual selection (aka choosing a desirable mate), it’s also about how many children you have and how likely *they* are to become healthy adults and reproduce. Over hundreds of

He (and she) *might* be making it happen with people all over town, or they might have sex for 10 minutes and then go do something else like hunt a deer or guard their cave, which would increase the likelihood of survival of them and any kids they already have. Fucking all day means not doing other stuff all day.

nothing has been done yet

I’m sure you’ll continue to love it when Medicare goes bye-bye, the VA is disbanded, your health insurance cost doubles, you lose your ability to get overtime pay, the medication you take for your cancer treatment does nothing because the FDA doesn’t do that anymore, and Trump fulfills his promise of imposing a 45%

It’s not about him ordering them to do anything. Since he’s planning on continuing to live partly/mostly in Manhattan, the Air Force may be looking at ways to improve security for him there.

They’re still not an ideologically homogeneous movement - they’re a coalition of Neo-Nazis, white supremecists who aren’t neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalist fascists, hardcore misogynists, Alex Jones-style nutball conspiracy theorists, etc.

Nah, they’ll tap him to run OSHA, or maybe the DoJ’s Office on Violence Against Women....

Maybe a sub-cabinet level appointment, like Director of the Office on Violence Against Women (part of the DoJ)?

Because the US president is clearly responsible for building city infrastructure projects.......... yeesh, some people.

Right, for sure. Unless he actually divests all his assets and puts them in a blind trust, his claims that he won’t be part of his business are meaningless. However, he won’t, because he ran for President largely to enrich himself - plus, divestment would probably reveal that he’s not actually a billionaire.

My initial thoughts on this story were, yeah, that firing civil servants for political reasons is very difficult and illegal. There are job protections in place for them for just that reason. But the quote in this article made me realize.... that’s not true for contractors. They have no protections, and make up a

They’re a rebranding of neo-nazism and the Klan. They don’t advocate for genocide, but neither did the Nazis (they just went ahead and did it).

I meant that in the sense of “people who don’t actually listen to the lyrics and just assume they know what the song is about from the title”. Sweet Home Alabama is about how lots of people in the South aren’t racist and don’t (didn’t) support Wallace or segregation.

I’m pretty sure that treasury bonds don’t give you leverage. They can’t cash them in before they’re due.

I think.... just like with antivaxxers, it’s easy for people to downplay and deny the dangers of something they don’t remember. We may have to go back before we can go forward.

At very least, it would show that he’s not worth anything near $10b. 10 years ago he sued Tim O’Brian for saying he was worth ‘only’ $100-250m, and LOST after it went to discovery and he had to show his tax returns.

I hadn’t even thought about the backlash, that’s an important consideration. Considering how rabid some of these guys are, faithless electors that cost Trump the election would need round-the-clock police protection.

Yup. Koch Bros and GW Bush’s grandaddies worked with the Nazis for $$$.