
I wonder if these are also the kind of guys that play “Sweet Home Alabama” while having a Confederate flag on their truck.

That’s what should be. Unfortunately, neo-Nazis don’t see it that way. They’re offended that fascist Darth Vader is the bad guy and the multicultural Rebels are the heroes, because they think it should be the other way around.

The problem is that the alt-right doesn’t think the “last Big Bad” was evil. That’s what they’re offended about. They think Hitler was a smart guy who made Germany great again, and are offended that fictional Bad Guys like the Galactic Empire are drawn from the Nazi ideology they believe in.

Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. The intent can be to appeal to horny men, and it can still appeal to women who feel self-conscious about, well, their ability to appeal to horny men.

I’m not the person y0u’re asking, but I’d strongly recommend picking up the recent “Mockingbird” comic series by Chelsea Cain. She wrote Bobbi Morse as a sexual and very feminist woman who did what she want with who she wanted, whether that was her sometimes-boyfriend or her ex-husband or whoever. I think the key,

I’ve been on here for a couple years.

One of the people Politico quoted was basically like “I don’t want to say what they could do because I don’t want to give them ideas”, hah.

Yeah, goals for the next month: acquisition of passport and gun, because who the fuck knows what February will bring.

Maybe they figured out which RNC e-mails were hacked and none of them make him look bad?

Yup, China’s already talking to the countries we negotiated the TPP with, to set up their own similar trade deal that excludes us instead of the other way around.

We’ve relied way too much on trust and the honor system in our political system, and it’s coming to bite us in the ass.

Hah, agreed. I can only imagine what kind of shady shit they dug up.

He hasn’t won it yet! Enough Republican senators have expressed significant discomfort with his Russian ties that I think there’s a good chance he won’t be approved and we’ll get someone less awful.

If we’re lucky, it’ll only be a trade war. They just did a flyby of Taiwan with a nuclear bomber.

I’m sure the RNC did some oppo research during the election, and it might be really bad.

Oh, they don’t need blackmail to make that oil deal. That’s the whole reason he’s appointing Tillerson - to end sanctions and make big $$$ oil deals. They’ll just look the other way when Russia invades the rest of Ukraine and Estonia too.

Anyone should rightfully be suspicious about a guy quitting a job that pays $40 MILLION per year, in order to take a job that’s even harder and involves more responsibility, but pays abut as much as a pediatrician or database admin. What’s in it for him? The answer seems pretty clear.

Sure, but at least the other half can do something. Doing half as much is still better than doing nothing.

Fortunately, it’s very hard to fire federal civil servants. They have a strong union and a lot of protection against politically-based firings.

Fortunately, federal civil servants have a lot of legal protections to protect them from exactly that kind of thing.