
Yeah, it’s normally tied to an early season football game, so that makes sense.

Winter formal? We didn’t have that one at my school.

Ugh, sounds terrible. My most common recurring bad dream - and I have a lot of bad dreams - is that, for some reason, I have to go back to high school and take more classes.

I think one basic line to draw is publicly vs privately-held corporations (also, for privately-held companies, closely-held vs not).

Ugh, man. There’s not much that bothers me more than conservatives who whine and moan about things not being exactly how they’d like them to be, but won’t lift a finger or spend a dime to help themselves - and then turn around and talk about “big government” and “personal responsibility”. They want things to

Plus, one of his top FDA candidates is a drug startup investor who thinks that it’s unfair that the FDA requires drug companies to prove that their product actually works before putting it on the market. He thinks that the free market should be left to sort it out. So I suspect we may also start seeing a lot of

Did a little googling, and apparently the incoming President’s family gets a $100k redecoration budget, and can do whatever they want to redecorate their family living quarters. But, fortunately, changes to public areas & historically important rooms have to be run through an independent historic preservation

They’re rich and powerful, but they could always be richer and more powerful. That’s it, really. Greed.

His only interest in the job is for fame and to enrich himself, and he’s probably going to do the minimum possible to achieve those ends. So yeah, he probably will have a lot of free time, since he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about national security, jobs, poor people, etc.

Sure, that way it’s a distraction from his nominees.

What they hate are women, so as long as he and his keep being sexist d bags they’ll be happy.

Bernie might have gotten less shit, because he’s  a white man and much of the anti-Obama stuff is rooted in racism. But who knows.

Her campaign/the DNC did make some suboptimal choices and hopefully the DNC will learn from that. But who the hell knows if Bernie would have done better. He probably would have done better in some districts and worse in others.

It’s crazy. But we have to be willing to work with people we have wildly differing ideologies from, but who have a shared goal of keeping the US from becoming a fascist third-world banana republic.

I’m hoping that Chuck Schumer is right now negotating deals with Lindsey Graham and some of the other anti-Trump Republicans in the Senate in order to block the worst of the nominations. I think that’s the best-case realistic scenario. They just need 2 to cross the line, I think.

Trump’s already nominated Senator Jeff Beauregard Racist Dickbag Sessions for the DoJ job, so I guess it’s the second one.

It’s clear that his whole administration is going to be filled with corrupt cronies who will use their political positions to line their own pockets at our expense.

This is definitely concerning, but honestly, what I find more concerning is the fact that a large number of his stores have been found by the DoL to be in violation of labor laws. He wants to make fewer workers eligible for overtime pay, and is opposed to raising the minimum wage.

You do realize that the Gulf Stream means that Europe and coastal Canada have radically different climates from other places at the same latitude? Rome and Chicago are at the same latitude, but I don’t think they grow a lot of grapes and olives in Chicago.

Yeah, they do. Have you ever had a really good pizza? If you get, say, a wood-fired pizza with pesto, wild mushrooms, roasted garlic and goat cheese, you don’t scarf that down, you take your time and fucking enjoy it. Also, there is a big trend among foodies to make fancy gourmet versions of cheap comfort foods like